Calcium Excess (Hypercalcemia): Drug Therapy

Therapeutic target

  • Correction of hypercalcemia

Therapy recommendations

  • Treatment of the underlying cause (e.g., primary hyperparathyroidism).
  • In symptomatic hypercalcemia (usually above 11.5 mg/dl (≥ 2.9 mmol/l)), blood calcium levels should be lowered.

The following therapy recommendations apply in tumor hypercalcemia as well as in hypercalcemic crisis (total serum calcium of >3.5 mmol/l):

  • Rehydration: 2-4 l NaCl 0.9%/ 24 h i. v. (+ potassium).
  • Enhancement of calcium excretion
    • Drinking amount 2-3 l
    • 2-3 l NaCl 0.9% i. v.
    • 40-80 mg furosemide i. v.
  • Inhibition of bone resorption
  • Inhibition of calcium absorption
  • Elimination of calcium from the circulation.
    • Dialysis against low-calcium dialysate (exceptional case!).

Caveat. Caution should be exercised in patients taking digitalis glycosides. The toxicity of digitalis glycosides is increased by hypercalcemia.