Hydrolyzate | Collagen

Hydrolyzate Hydrolysates are products that result from the splitting of proteins or albumin. Hydrolysate can also be obtained from collagen by enzymatic cleavage (hydrolysis). These collagen proteins are preferably obtained from type 1 collagen and are used as food supplements. They contain a high proportion of short amino acid chains (peptides) and are very similar … Hydrolyzate | Collagen


Design and function Collagen is a protein which, as a structural protein, makes up a significant proportion of connective and supporting tissue. It is therefore found in most organs of our body. Collagen belongs to the fiber proteins and has a specific anatomical structure so that it makes a stable protein. The collagen molecule has … Collagen

Mammary connective tissue

Introduction The female breast is composed of varying amounts of fatty tissue and connective tissue, as well as the functional mammary gland with its ducts. The connective tissue of the breast forms the basic structure and provides the shape. In the course of life, the breast acquires significance, especially in aesthetic terms. In women, the … Mammary connective tissue

Torn connective tissue fibres | Mammary connective tissue

Torn connective tissue fibres Connective tissue fibres in the breast can tear and lead to superficially visible streaks. Especially during pregnancy, streaks can appear on the breast and abdomen. Increased growth can cause the connective tissue of the breast to give way and tear. On the stomach this is called stretch marks. On the breast, … Torn connective tissue fibres | Mammary connective tissue