Theories on the development of depression | Causes of depression

Theories on the development of depression There are many theories that deal with the development and maintenance of depression. Here are some examples: Lewinsohn’s theory of depression According to Lewinsohn’s theory, depression occurs when you have few positive reinforcers in your life or when you lose previous reinforcers. Amplifiers in this context are rewarding, positive … Theories on the development of depression | Causes of depression

Causes of depression

Depression is one of the most common mental diseases worldwide. It affects up to 16% of the population worldwide. At present, up to 3.1 million people in Germany alone suffer from depression requiring treatment; that is up to 10% of all GP patients. However, only less than 50% ultimately consult a doctor. But what are … Causes of depression

Personality factors | Causes of depression

Personality factors The personality of each person can also decide whether or not one falls ill with depression. Studies have shown that extremely orderly, compulsive, performance-oriented people (so-called melancholic type) with low self-confidence are more likely to suffer from depression than, for example, people with very self-confident and strong personality traits. People with a low … Personality factors | Causes of depression

Somatic (physical factors) | Causes of depression

Somatic (physical factors) Current or chronic illnesses (such as cancer, cardiovascular and metabolic diseases or chronic pain), as well as various medications can cause depression. For example, drugs used to treat high blood pressure (beta-blockers), autoimmune disease (cortisone), chronic pain (especially novalgin and opioids), as well as severe acne (isoretinoin), hepatitis C (interferon alpha) or … Somatic (physical factors) | Causes of depression

Home Remedies for Brittle Fingernails

Many people suffer from brittle fingernails. Especially women often complain about the brittle appearance of their fingernails and look for advice to make the nails look healthier. However, brittle nails are not only a negligible beauty defect, but often a warning sign of poor nutrition. Therefore, unstable looking nails should by no means be taken … Home Remedies for Brittle Fingernails

Cracked heels

Cracked heels (fissures, med. Rhagades) are often deep torn areas on the outer edge of the heel, which can occur due to dry cornea. The actual protective function of the cornea is lost and can lead to further problems. The development of the dry cracked skin areas can have different causes. Causes of cracked heels … Cracked heels

Diagnosis | Cracked heels

Diagnosis The diagnosis is quite easy to make and often the affected person notices swelling and redness on the heel quite early. The skin feels very rough and dry and an excessive layer of callus has formed. Smaller to deeper cracks may already have developed. It may be necessary to consult a doctor if the … Diagnosis | Cracked heels

Prophylaxis | Cracked heels

Prophylaxis The development of cracked heels and dry skin can be prevented very well by own regular care. Thicker layers of cornea should be removed regularly with a plane or pumice stone. Before doing so, it is recommended to soak the heels with warm baths. Removing the cornea is important to prevent the lower layers … Prophylaxis | Cracked heels

Blood test

Introduction For the doctor it is part of the daily business, for the patient it can bring sweat to the brow: a blood test. It is often a part of the basic programme of medical activity. But why is a blood test carried out so often and on so many different occasions? What is hidden … Blood test

Selected blood values: Liver values | Blood test

Selected blood values: Liver values A wide variety of blood tests can be summarized under the so-called liver values. In a narrower sense, liver values are two enzymes with long names: aspartate aminotransferase (AST, ASAT, or known as GOT for glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase) and alanine aminotransferase (ALT, ALAT, or known as GPT for glutamate pyruvate … Selected blood values: Liver values | Blood test