Snoring (Rhonchopathy): Drug Therapy

Therapeutic target Improvement of nasal breathing Therapy recommendations Symptomatic therapy (vasoconstrictor nasal drops for short-term therapy; vasoconstriction → decongestion of the nasal mucosa) or to assess the therapeutic success of turbinate surgery (see “Surgical therapy” below). Therapy of a possible dust mite allergy (see below this clinical picture). See also under “Further therapy“. Further notes … Snoring (Rhonchopathy): Drug Therapy

Snoring (Rhonchopathy): Therapy

Therapy for rhonchopathy (snoring) depends on the cause. General measures More movement Regular sleep wake rhythm Side sleeping position prefer or avoid supine position! Positional therapy: in supine-related snoring should be offered a therapy trial with supine prevention [S3 guideline]. Limited alcohol consumption (men: max. 25 g alcohol per day; women: max. 12 g alcohol … Snoring (Rhonchopathy): Therapy

Electromagnetic Sensitivity (Electrosmog): Therapy

General measures Anyone who is electrosensitive should arrange living rooms, bedrooms, and the workplace to be as free of electrical appliances as possible. The devices that are urgent should be placed as far away from the bed as possible. It is also recommended that the electrician install a “power disconnect” in the bedrooms. Avoidance of … Electromagnetic Sensitivity (Electrosmog): Therapy

Electromagnetic Sensitivity (Electrosmog): Causes

Pathogenesis (development of disease) The causative mechanism of electromagnetic sensitivity has not yet been elucidated and is currently being investigated in several studies. Etiology (Causes) Biographic causes Ethnic origin – belonging to an ethnic group other than white, black, or Hispanic. Disease-related causes Physician diagnosed environmental disease Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) Environmental pollution – intoxications … Electromagnetic Sensitivity (Electrosmog): Causes

Sleep and Sleep Disorders: One Third of Our Lives Are Spent Sleeping

Sleep is vital because restful nighttime sleep regenerates the body and mind. Sleep disorders that last weeks or months can have a significant impact on health and well-being. Doctors specializing in sleep disorders can help. After the causes of your sleep disorders are identified and eliminated, you can sleep well again. You will be well … Sleep and Sleep Disorders: One Third of Our Lives Are Spent Sleeping

Importance of Reflexes in the Body

When the doctor shines his light into your eyes or uses his reflex hammer, this action, unpleasant in itself, has the goal of checking your reflexes and thus the state of your nervous functions, because the multitude of bodily reactions, most of which are unconscious to us, shows exactly how our brain performance is doing. … Importance of Reflexes in the Body

Perception: Irritant

Perceived information can be divided into groups; correspondingly, the receptors that respond to these stimuli: Mechanoreceptors respond to mechanical stimuli, i.e., pressure, touch, stretch, or vibration. They mediate tactile perception (sense of touch) and, together with the sense of balance in the inner ear, proprioception, i.e., the position and movement of the limbs in space … Perception: Irritant


Definition Tetraspacification is a type of paralysis of all four extremities – i.e. the arms and legs. It is characterized by a strong tension of the muscles, which often causes the body to tense up in unnatural postures. It often results from a flaccid paralysis and can also affect the trunk and neck or head … Tetraspacification

Perception: Illusions and Disturbances

Since our perception never corresponds one hundred percent with reality, the boundary to perceptual illusions or disorders is fluid. For example, we perceive colors even though light itself is not colored, but only has different wavelengths that are interpreted accordingly by the visual organ and brain; many animals, for example, perceive colors differently than humans. … Perception: Illusions and Disturbances