I recognize a cavernous hemangioma by these symptoms | Cavernous hemangioma – How dangerous is it?

I recognize a cavernous hemangioma by these symptoms It is relatively rare that a cavernous hemangioma does not regress by the age of five. However, it can happen that a very slowly growing hemangioma does not cause symptoms until a higher age. In hemangiomas of the skin you may notice a soft bluish-purple discolored bump … I recognize a cavernous hemangioma by these symptoms | Cavernous hemangioma – How dangerous is it?

Course of disease in cavernous hemangioma | Cavernous hemangioma – How dangerous is it?

Course of disease in cavernous hemangioma The disease usually occurs during birth or a few days after birth. Either the cavernous hemangioma disappears after months or years, it remains the same size and does not cause any problems, or it grows and needs treatment. No new hemangiomas develop in the course of life, but they … Course of disease in cavernous hemangioma | Cavernous hemangioma – How dangerous is it?

Cavernous hemangioma – How dangerous is it?

Definition – What is a cavernous hemangioma? A hemangioma consists of incorrectly formed blood vessels. They are usually also called haemangiomas. They are benign growths that displace the surrounding tissue, but are normally harmless. They can be found on various tissues, such as the eye socket, skin or liver. The cavernous hemangioma is a special … Cavernous hemangioma – How dangerous is it?

Homeopathy for whistling glandular fever

Pfeiffer’s glandular fever is a viral infection (Epstein-Barr-Virus) also called “kissing disease”, which mainly affects children and adolescents between the ages of 15 and 19. The disease is transmitted by infectious saliva. As a therapy, absolute physical protection is necessary. Symptoms can be alleviated with homeopathic remedies, primarily the often extreme sore throat with swelling … Homeopathy for whistling glandular fever

Remedy for inflammation and swelling | Homeopathy for whistling glandular fever

Remedy for inflammation and swelling Belladonna (see antipyretic) Phytolacca In acute condition: One dissolves 1 tablet or 5 globules in 1 cup of water and gives of it first every 5 minutes a teaspoon (no metal), extends the break to 1⁄2 to 2 hourly, then end. Apis in acute condition: Dissolve 1 tablet or 5 … Remedy for inflammation and swelling | Homeopathy for whistling glandular fever

Baby hiccups

Overview Hiccup (singultus), in medicine refers to an automatic (“reflex”) contraction of the diaphragm, i.e. the most important respiratory muscle, resulting in a strong, short inhalation. This process is repeated periodically at short intervals. The inhalation noise, which occurs against tense and thus closed vocal cords, causes the “hiccup”, i.e. the characteristic hiccup sound. What … Baby hiccups

Spastic cerebral palsy

Definition Spastic cerebral palsy is a paresis, i.e. muscle relaxation caused by damage to the brain (hence the “cerebral”). Spastic cerebral palsy is also often referred to as “infantile cerebral palsy“. In most cases, the brain damage is already detected in the newborn baby. It manifests itself through various disorders of the skeletal muscles of … Spastic cerebral palsy

Therapy | Spastic cerebral palsy

Therapy It is important that therapy for spastic cerebral palsy is started as early as possible. Unfortunately, there is no form of treatment that can cure this disease, since the brain is already damaged when spastic cerebral palsy is diagnosed. Physiotherapy plays a central role in the therapy because of the movement restrictions of the … Therapy | Spastic cerebral palsy

What is bilateral spastic cerebral palsy? | Spastic cerebral palsy

What is bilateral spastic cerebral palsy? Bilateral spastic cerebral palsy is a specific form of spastic cerebral palsy. It also causes movement disorders and spastic paralysis, but on both sides. In most cases, bilateral spastic cerebral palsy affects both legs. There is excessive tension in the leg muscles, causing difficulties in moving the legs. This … What is bilateral spastic cerebral palsy? | Spastic cerebral palsy

Puberty: Between Freedom and Consequence

Puberty is a time that most parents experience with horror and adolescents with uncertainty. During this phase, both sides must learn to confront conflict and balance boundaries with freedom. Parents must learn to simultaneously let go and continue to provide support for their children. Conflicts are necessary But unlike how most feel, puberty is more … Puberty: Between Freedom and Consequence