Roux-En-Y Gastric Bypass

Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (synonyms: Roux-en-Y gastric bypass, RYGB, gastric bypass) is a surgical procedure in bariatric surgery. Gastric bypass may be offered for obesity with a BMI ≥ 35 kg/m2 or greater with one or more obesity-associated comorbidities when conservative therapy has been exhausted. Two different effects serve to reduce weight in Roux-en-Y gastric bypass: … Roux-En-Y Gastric Bypass

Tube Stomach Surgery

Tube gastrectomy (synonyms: sleeve gastrectomy; SG) is a surgical procedure in bariatric surgery. Sleeve gastrectomy may be offered for obesity with a BMI ≥ 35 kg/m2 or greater with one or more obesity-associated comorbidities when conservative therapy has been exhausted. In contrast to other bariatric procedures (bariatric surgery) such as gastric banding, greater weight reduction … Tube Stomach Surgery

Stoma Care

A so-called enterostoma is an artificial bowel outlet that is created as part of an intestinal surgical procedure. In this procedure, a loop of bowel is passed through the abdominal wall to the surface so that stool can be emptied through this artificial outlet. This represents an enormous hygienic challenge with regard to the care … Stoma Care

Aesthetic Surgery

For most people, appearance and aesthetics are directly related to well-being, enjoyment of life and self-confidence. Small blemishes can be extremely disturbing and lead to a loss of self-confidence and closed-mindedness towards others. Looking in the mirror becomes a daily torment. This is where cosmetic surgery can help. Aesthetic surgery is one of the pillars … Aesthetic Surgery

Padding the Cheekbones

Sunken-looking cheekbones appear more pronounced after padding (synonym: cheekbone padding), giving the face a more youthful appearance and attractiveness. Sunken cheekbones do not correspond to our ideal of beauty and make the face look unharmonious in profile. We perceive as more expressive and youthful a face whose cheekbones are higher and appear more pronounced. Indications … Padding the Cheekbones

Stomach Removal (Gastric Resection, Gastrectomy)

Gastrectomy is a surgical procedure to completely remove the stomach. If only part of the stomach is removed, it is referred to as gastric resection or partial gastric resection. Indications (areas of application) Gastric resection (partial stomach removal) or gastrectomy (stomach removal) is performed for: Gastric carcinoma* (stomach cancer) – in this case, a total … Stomach Removal (Gastric Resection, Gastrectomy)

Surgery of a Hiatal Hernia

Surgery for a hiatal hernia (synonym: hiatus oesophageus) is an invasive treatment method for an existing hernia (hernia) of the diaphragm. The esophageal hiatus represents the passage of the diaphragm through which the esophagus (food pipe) physiologically leads to the stomach. Hiatal hernia is defined as displacement of parts of the stomach, especially the cardia … Surgery of a Hiatal Hernia

Appendectomy: Symptoms, Causes, Treatment

Appendectomy is the surgical removal of the vermiform appendix (appendix for short). Nowadays, the procedure is almost always performed minimally invasively, i.e., by laparoscopy (laparoscopy).Appendicitis (synonym: appendicitis) is the inflammation of the appendix vermiformis. It usually occurs in individuals in the second and third decades of life and in childhood. The incidence (number of new … Appendectomy: Symptoms, Causes, Treatment

Partial Removal of the Small Intestine (Small Bowel Resection)

Small bowel resection is a surgical procedure for partial removal of the small bowel. Indications (areas of application) Acute mesenteric ischemia (AMI; intestinal infarction, mesenteric artery occlusion, mesenteric infarction, mesenteric occlusive disease, angina abdominalis). Small bowel stenosis (narrowing of the small intestine). Fistula formation – formation of non-physiological ducts in the area of the small … Partial Removal of the Small Intestine (Small Bowel Resection)