Homeopathy for PMS and Period Pain

Homeopathy and period pain – does it fit? Pain before and during the period knows almost every woman. But while some feel only a slight pulling in the abdomen, the days are for others a real ordeal. Cramping abdominal pain, migraine attacks, circulatory problems and mood swings accompany menstruation for many women. To alleviate these … Homeopathy for PMS and Period Pain

Premenstrual Syndrome Symptoms

Signs of Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) can include: from sky-high to sad to death, from energetic to tired and unfocused – the monthly ups and downs of hormones cause many women to experience fluctuations in their physical and mental well-being. The days leading up to the period are not the best for many women. PMS: What … Premenstrual Syndrome Symptoms

Intermediate Bleeding and Spotting

In childbearing age, non-pregnant women have their menstrual period approximately every three to five weeks. Occasionally, however, additional intermenstrual bleeding occurs outside the cycle, which can have a variety of harmless but also dangerous causes. Therefore, interim bleeding should be taken seriously and clarified by a gynecologist. Bleeding between periods and spotting The blood discharges … Intermediate Bleeding and Spotting

Examinations At the Gynecologist

Certainly there are things that a woman prefers to do than to visit the gynecologist. But it is also certain that only regular examinations can detect disorders at an early stage. Therefore, every woman should go for a check-up once a year from the age of 20 at the latest. Tasks of a gynecologist The … Examinations At the Gynecologist

Menopausal Nutrition

From the age of 40, an average of 0.3 to 0.5 percent of bone mass is lost per year. In the period before and after menopause, the rate of loss increases by an average of 2 to 5 percent per year. Regular exercise and an optimal supply of calcium and vitamin D are essential for … Menopausal Nutrition