
What is Prolia®? Since 2010 the active ingredient Denosumab is on the market, which is distributed by the company AMGEN under the trade names Prolia® and XGEVA®. The human monoclonal IgG2 anti-RANKL antibody is used for the treatment of bone loss (osteoporosis). The efficacy is achieved by Denosumab interfering with the so-called RANK/RANKL system of … Prolia®.

Mode of action | Prolia®.

Mode of action All bones are in a state of constant remodeling. Two types of bone cells are particularly important for bone metabolism: osteoblasts (for bone formation) and osteoclasts (for bone resorption). These communicate with each other by means of various signal molecules. The RANKL molecule formed by osteoblasts is one such signal molecule. It … Mode of action | Prolia®.

Interactions | Prolia®.

Interactions No interaction studies were performed. However, the risk of interactions with other drugs is considered to be low. Miscellaneous Studies on the long-term risk and long-term benefit of Prolia® are not yet available. Also studies comparing the active ingredient Denosumab with similar drugs with a different mode of action, such as bisphosphonates, have not … Interactions | Prolia®.

How does Infliximab work? | Infliximab

How does Infliximab work? Infliximab is a monoclonal antibody that is produced biotechnologically. Monoclonal means that all antibodies contained in the preparation are exactly the same, since they were synthesized by one and the same cell. As a result, Infliximab has a very high affinity to its target structure, the human, i.e. human tumor necrosis … How does Infliximab work? | Infliximab

Interactions of Infliximab | Infliximab

Interactions of Infliximab Interactions between Infliximab and other medications taken simultaneously are possible. Although there are not many studies on interactions with Infliximab, it is recommended that some aspects of its use be considered. Infliximab should not be taken together with similarly acting medications, as they can massively increase each other’s effects and can lead … Interactions of Infliximab | Infliximab

What are the alternatives to Infliximab? | Infliximab

What are the alternatives to Infliximab? In addition to Infliximab, there are other tumor necrosis factor-alpha inhibitors that can be used depending on the underlying disease and current health situation. One alternative is the antibody adalimumab, which is marketed under the trade name Humira®. There are also the drugs Certolizumab (Cimzia®), Etanercept (Enbrel®) and Golilumab … What are the alternatives to Infliximab? | Infliximab


What is Infliximab? Infliximab is a monoclonal antibody. It is a very potent drug that suppresses the immune system and has anti-inflammatory effects. It is used in various rheumatic diseases, chronic inflammatory bowel diseases and the skin disease psoriasis. It can be administered only as an intravenous infusion, which is why Infliximab must be administered … Infliximab


Introduction Humira is the trade name for the biological Adalimumab, which is used for the treatment of for example rheumatoid arthritis and other rheumatic diseases, psoriasis and chronic inflammatory intestinal diseases. It is injected under the abdominal skin every two weeks. Remarkable is beside its various application also its price: One application costs approx. 1000€. … Humira

Interactions | Humira

Interactions Humira is often used in combination with cortisone, with methotrexate, which is also an immune-inhibiting drug, or in combination with other specified drugs with similar effects. An exception are the active substances Etanacept, Abatacept and Anakinra, among which in combination with Humira among other things heavy infections and increased side effects could be proven. … Interactions | Humira


Introduction Adalimumab is a drug, which belongs to the class of biologicals and can be used especially for autoimmune diseases. In these diseases our natural defence system overreacts and attacks the body’s own cells. Thus, Adalimumab can help patients suffering from psoriasis, rheumatism or chronic inflammatory intestinal diseases. In the following you can learn more … Adalimumab