Cortisone in pregnancy – How dangerous is it?

Introduction Cortisone is a glucocorticoid naturally occurring in the body and produced in the adrenal gland. It is secreted in greater quantities during stress and strain and leads to an increased supply of energy reserves as well as inhibition of the immune system and inflammatory reactions. The various synthetically produced glucocorticoid preparations (colloquially known as … Cortisone in pregnancy – How dangerous is it?

Risks for my child | Cortisone in pregnancy – How dangerous is it?

Risks for my child Low-dose and short-term therapy with glucocorticoids has few risks for the baby. When taken between the 8th and 11th week of pregnancy, study results have shown a slightly increased risk of cleft lip and palate, while the overall rate of malformations is normal. It should be noted that elevated cortisone levels … Risks for my child | Cortisone in pregnancy – How dangerous is it?

What about cortisone and desire to have children? | Cortisone in pregnancy – How dangerous is it?

What about cortisone and desire to have children? The use of cortisone for fertility treatment is controversially discussed. The glucocorticoid is said to have a slightly supportive effect on the implantation of the fertilised egg. The mechanism of action and the efficacy have not been clarified, despite several studies being conducted. A possible suppression of … What about cortisone and desire to have children? | Cortisone in pregnancy – How dangerous is it?

Clexane® during pregnancy

Clexane® is the trade name of a drug with the active ingredient enoxaparin. This belongs to the group of low-molecular-weight heparins and is intended to inhibit blood coagulation by inhibiting the activity of a coagulation factor (factor Xa). Clexane® is used for the prophylaxis of thromboses, the treatment of thrombosis and pulmonary embolism and for … Clexane® during pregnancy

What are the side effects? | Clexane® during pregnancy

What are the side effects? The side effects of Clexane® correspond to the general side effects of the preparation. In addition there are a few special features that should be considered. If the risk-benefit ratio has been weighed well, the side effects are minor. A great advantage is that Clexane® does not cross the placental … What are the side effects? | Clexane® during pregnancy

Cefuroxime during pregnancy

Introduction Cefuroxime is an antibiotic from the group of cephalosporins. Like all antibiotics, cephalosporins have a harmful effect on bacteria. Cefuroxime does this by preventing growing bacteria from building up their cell wall. This causes them to “burst” due to their internal pressure. Cefuroxime can either be injected into a vein or taken orally as … Cefuroxime during pregnancy

Can I take cefuroxime if I want to get pregnant? | Cefuroxime during pregnancy

Can I take cefuroxime if I want to get pregnant? Cefuroxime does not affect fertility and can therefore also be used if you wish to become pregnant. Furthermore, it does not cause any damage during the implantation of the pregnancy. What happens if you become pregnant while taking cefuroxime? If you become pregnant while taking … Can I take cefuroxime if I want to get pregnant? | Cefuroxime during pregnancy

Ibuprofen in pregnancy

Introduction Ibuprofen is a painkiller freely available in pharmacies up to a single dose of 400mg. It works by inhibiting enzymes so that the production of “pain mediators” (prostaglandins) in the body is stopped and pain is relieved. Besides paracetamol, ibuprofen is one of the few painkillers that are not completely prohibited during pregnancy. Nevertheless, … Ibuprofen in pregnancy

Side effects of Paracetamol | Paracetamol during pregnancy

Side effects of Paracetamol In general it can be said that when paracetamol is taken in the correct dosage, side effects occur only rarely (? 0.01% to <0.1) to very rarely (? 0.01% with individual cases). Possible side effects are: In this case, immediate discontinuation of the therapy is mandatory. The occurrence of the mentioned … Side effects of Paracetamol | Paracetamol during pregnancy

Alternatives to paracetamol in pregnancy | Paracetamol during pregnancy

Alternatives to paracetamol in pregnancy In general, paracetamol is the pain medication of first choice in every phase of pregnancy. However, pain can often be relieved by non-drug measures, so painkillers should only be taken if these measures do not provide relief. If paracetamol is not tolerated or is not available, a drug containing the … Alternatives to paracetamol in pregnancy | Paracetamol during pregnancy

Paracetamol during pregnancy

Introduction Paracetamol is a painkiller and belongs to the group of non-opioid analgesics. It has an analgesic and antipyretic effect. The name paracetamol comes from paraacetylaminophenol. This is the chemical substance the drug is made of. Paracetamol is usually very well tolerated and is therefore used relatively frequently. In Germany it is available without prescription … Paracetamol during pregnancy