Common Cold: M to P

From M as in fatigue to P as in paracetamol: in the following section of our ABCs of the common cold, you will find the letters M to P. And with them plenty of tips against the typical complaints of a cold.

M – tiredness

When we have a cold, the body produces the substance TNF-alpha, which plays an important role In the immune system and the defense against bacteria and viruses. Scientists suspect that this messenger simultaneously causes a change in the sleep and wake cycles. As a result, we feel tired and listless when we have a cold.

Although there are combination preparations with caffeine to combat colds, which get the circulation going a bit, it is rather harmful to inflate your sick body – this makes you think that you are not that weak, which makes it easy to overestimate yourself. In reality, we recover faster if we give in to the increased need for rest and sleep. If we are active instead of resting in bed, the organism wastes unnecessary energy, which it can better use to fight the bacilli. It is not for nothing that even grandmother advised, “Sleep yourself healthy!”

N – nose

We pay much more attention to our nose than usual when we have a cold. If almost every cold is usually accompanied by a harmless cold, the nasal mucosa swells and usually the sinuses are also affected. Constant sneezing, runny nose, blowing your nose and headaches are the result.

Your doctor may prescribe mucolytic medications such as nasal sprays, nose drops or inhalation solutions with essential oils. Make sure yourself to put your head in an elevated position in bed, so the mucus can drain better. Plenty of fluids such as tea, water and diluted fruit juices will also thin the mucus.

For sufficient humidity, the apartment should be ventilated regularly. Cigarette smoke is an absolute taboo. In addition, you can combat the inflammation with infrared radiation.

If the symptoms have not improved after three days, you should consult a specialist. If you frequently suffer from sinusitis, you should consult your ear, nose and throat specialist to determine whether surgery (such as straightening the nasal septum) is necessary.

Blocked nose – what to do? Tips and home remedies

O – earache

Often, pathogens spread through the mucous membrane of the nose and throat to the middle ear. Especially children very often suffer from ear pain in the course of a cold. While a middle ear infection requires immediate medical treatment, usually with antibiotics, you can treat a mild inflammation with ear drops containing a glycerine mixture from the pharmacy.

Important: If there is pus in the ear, always go to the doctor! Be careful with cotton swabs, they usually push plugs further into the ear, and thus do more harm than good.

Try the following home remedy for earaches: wrap a chopped onion in a handkerchief, wait until the onion sack is soaked with onion juice (crush the onion pieces a little) and place it on the ear for half an hour. The same works with a bunch of chopped parsley in a gauze. Also, chew gum more often, this will help vent the ear.

P – paracetamol

Paracetamol is a widely used pain reliever that is also antipyretic. Paracetamol is available over-the-counter in small doses and is used especially for headaches, toothaches, and period pains.

The active ingredient is generally well tolerated and is also administered to children – side effects are rare. Nevertheless, like other painkillers and medicines, paracetamol should not be taken in high doses or over a long period of time, as this can lead to liver and kidney damage. The dosage depends on the age and body weight of the patient.

It should be noted that paracetamol is also contained in some combination products, which is why one should not take other preparations in addition to these. There are paracetamol in the form of tablets, capsules, suppositories, juices and syrup.