Fever, dizziness and headaches


The combination of fever, dizziness (vertigo) and headaches can have various causes. If these symptoms occur in combination, other symptoms are usually present as well. For example, those that affect the gastrointestinal tract (nausea with vomiting, diarrhoea) or coughing and/or sore throat.

Since fever, dizziness and headaches are often symptoms of a normal flu or cold, they are rather harmless and disappear when the illness ends. The cause can also be more serious, such as meningitis or a concussion. In case of sudden occurrence and also in case of longer lasting symptoms, you should in any case consult a doctor.

What can you do?

For fever, headaches and dizziness, there are a number of measures that help those affected to improve their symptoms. For headaches, painkillers such as ibuprofen or aspirin can help. Both drugs belong to the group of NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) and, in addition to their pain-relieving properties, also have a fever-reducing and anti-inflammatory effect.

If the symptoms persist for several days, no improvement occurs or the cause of the symptoms is not clear, a doctor must be consulted in any case. Serious illnesses, such as influenza or concussion, must be treated by a doctor. In such cases, self-medication should not be used.

If possible, exercise in the fresh air can also help against headaches. However, caution is advised, because if the dizziness is too strong, falls and injuries may occur. If a walk outside is not possible, even opening the windows can bring fresh air into the room and help.

A sufficient fluid intake and sufficient sleep also improve the symptoms. To reduce the fever, cold compresses of curd cheese or vinegar around the calves and wrists can help. Certain foods such as honey, ginger or garlic are also effective against pathogens.

The slight pungency of ginger additionally stimulates the blood circulation and supports the body’s immune system. You should consult a doctor if the cause of fever, dizziness and headaches is not due to a cold or other infection. The doctor will take a medical history and perform a physical examination to diagnose the cause of the symptoms. Even if the fever is very high (above 40° Celsius) or persists for several days, a doctor should be consulted. It may then be necessary for the patient to take antibiotics.