Gliadin Antibody

Gliadin antibodies (synonym: anti-gliadin antibodies, AGA) are used to diagnose celiac disease (gluten-induced enteropathy).

Gliadin is a fraction of gluten. Gluten (storage proteins of wheat) is also known as gluten protein, as it is crucial for the baking ability of wheat flours and improves the baking properties. Gluten makes up about 80% of the total protein in wheat and consists of several fractions, including the proteins gliadin and glutenin.

The process

Material needed

  • Blood serum

Preparation of the patient

  • Not necessary

Standard values

Gliadin IgA antibody negative
Gliadin IgG antibody negative



Interpretation of increased values

Other notes

  • Together with the determination of auto-Ak (IgA) against transglutaminase antibody (tTG) or endomysium antibody (EMA), auto-Ak (IgA) against gliadin have the highest diagnostic value in celiac disease.
  • Under strict gluten-free diet, there is a drop in gliadin antibody titers.