Smell bark | Cerebrum

Smell bark At the base of the frontal lobe there are also phylogenetic components (olfactory cortex, paleocortex and archicortex), which are dedicated to the sense of smell (olfactory sense). Presumably, the olfactory sensations come into consciousness in the so-called “primary olfactory cortex” (prepiriform cortex, which is also located to a lesser extent in the temporal … Smell bark | Cerebrum

Limbic system | Cerebrum

Limbic system If a knife is inserted into the interhemispheric fissure (fissura longitudinalis cerebri) and cut in the direction of the brain stem (median section), numerous structures are visible which are attributed to the limbic system (limbic). It deals with emotions as well as with instinctive and intellectual behavior. Rather primitive achievements such as affective … Limbic system | Cerebrum

Common diseases | Cerebrum

Common diseases Neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson’s disease, Huntington’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, as well as strokes, headaches, epilepsy and brain tumors occur comparatively frequently. In our modern society, depressions, psychoses such as schizophrenia and addictions are on the rise. Other diseases or consequences of diseases of the cerebrum are Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Amyothrophic lateral sclerosis … Common diseases | Cerebrum

Cerebellar atrophy and dementia | Cerebellar atrophy

Cerebellar atrophy and dementia There are studies on autosomal dominant cerebellar atrophy (ADCA- autosomal dominant cerebellar ataxia) and an association with dementia. Only subtype 1 is thought to be associated with mild dementia in the course of its development. It is thought that attention and the ability to learn are particularly disturbed. The subtypes of … Cerebellar atrophy and dementia | Cerebellar atrophy

Symptoms | Cerebellar atrophy

Symptoms Depending on the affected cerebellar area and the extent of tissue loss, characteristic symptoms of cerebellar atrophy occur. The cerebellum can be divided into three sections with different functions. The vestibulocerebellum mainly processes information from the vestibular organs and is responsible for the coordination of head and eye movements. The spinocerebellum regulates walking and … Symptoms | Cerebellar atrophy

Therapy | Cerebellar atrophy

Therapy If there is an underlying disease (in the symptomatic form), it should be treated first.Depending on the cause, (additional) specific, individually oriented measures are recommended. Studies on the effectiveness of a drug treatment of the various complaints have not yet been scientifically completed. In one study, success was observed in the treatment of ataxias … Therapy | Cerebellar atrophy

History | Cerebellar atrophy

History The course of atrophy of the cerebellum is individual and there is no cure. However, the progression of the disease can be delayed by appropriate lifestyle. In the case of alcohol-induced cerebellar atrophy, this includes, for example, abstinence from alcohol, the addition of missing vitamins and treatment of the alcohol-related disease. Active participation in … History | Cerebellar atrophy

Irritation of the meninges | Meninges

Irritation of the meninges The meninges are innervated by sensitive nerves and are therefore sensitive to pain. For this reason, an irritation of the meninges can trigger symptoms such as headaches. Irritation of the meninges can have various causes: For example, sunstroke alone can cause irritation of the meninges. However, viral infections are often the … Irritation of the meninges | Meninges