Regardless of the planned therapy, the physician should confirm the existence of an intolerance before starting. In order to avoid the recurrence of a rash, it is easiest to avoid the triggering foods, in this case mainly tomatoes. If other foods also lead to the symptoms, for example due to a cross-allergy or because of the equally high histamine content, these should also be avoided.
In case of histamine intolerance, a low-histamine diet is recommended. In the acute situation, the symptoms can be alleviated by taking antihistamines. In case of histamine intolerance, this is also a therapeutic option if the consumption of food containing histamine cannot be avoided.
Taking diamine oxidase, the enzyme that breaks down histamine, can also provide relief. If a cross allergy is triggered, hyposensitization can be attempted. This is a therapy in which the allergen is regularly injected under the skin over a second period of two to four years in order to get the body used to the substance over time. Hyposensitization is currently the only therapy that is a causal treatment of the allergy. Further information on potential therapy measures for a food allergy can be found under the following link: Therapy for food allergy
Skin rash due to tomato juice
Both cross-allergy and histamine intolerance are not only caused by raw tomatoes, but can also occur after consumption of processed tomatoes (for example cooked). Therefore, the consumption of tomato juice, which usually contains cooked tomatoes, can also lead to the allergic symptoms. However, some people react less strongly to cooked tomatoes than to fresh tomatoes. This is very different in each individual case and should therefore be tried out.
Manifestations in the face
In the course of the allergic reaction, swelling and red skin rashes may also appear on the face. The face and hands are generally particularly often affected in allergic rashes. In addition, allergic rhinitis, similar to the widespread hay fever, can also occur with increased discharge from the nose.
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