Benzalkonium Chloride

Products Benzalkonium chloride is commercially available as an active pharmaceutical ingredient in the form of lozenges, as a gargling solution, as a gel and as a disinfectant, among others. As a preservative, it is commonly added in pharmaceuticals to eye drops, nasal sprays, nose drops and inhalation solutions for asthma and COPD treatment. It is … Benzalkonium Chloride

First-Pass Metabolism

The effect of the first liver passage For a perorally administered pharmaceutical agent to exert its effects at the site of action, it usually must enter the systemic circulation. To do so, it must pass through the intestinal wall, the liver, and part of the circulatory system. Despite complete absorption in the intestine, the bioavailability … First-Pass Metabolism

Combination Products

Definition Drugs today usually contain a defined active pharmaceutical ingredient. However, numerous drugs with two or more active substances also exist. These are called combination drugs or fixed combinations. For example, Aspirin C contains both acetylsalicylic acid and vitamin C. Many blood pressure medications are combination preparations, for example perindopril + indapamide or candesartan + … Combination Products


Definition A dose is usually the amount of an active pharmaceutical ingredient or drug intended for administration. It is often expressed in milligrams (mg). However, indications such as micrograms (µg), grams (g), or millimoles (mmol) are also commonly used. Examples and terms The aromatase inhibitor letrozole is commercially available in the form of film-coated tablets … Dose