
Specialty diabetology Diabetology deals with the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diabetes mellitus. Diabetes mellitus can occur in various forms. The most important are type 1 and type 2 diabetes as well as gestational diabetes. All forms of diabetes are caused by a deficiency or lack of effectiveness of the blood sugar-lowering hormone insulin. This … Diabetology

Blood Sugar: What Affects It?

Food intake, physical activity, medication and other parameters influence blood glucose. Self-monitoring of blood glucose helps diabetics to cope better with all situations in everyday life and also provides security. Therefore, in order to keep blood glucose levels within the normal range, all diabetics who inject insulin or take oral antidiabetics should measure their blood … Blood Sugar: What Affects It?

10 Tips to Lower Blood Sugar

An elevated blood sugar level is a typical sign of diabetes. Those who suffer from diabetes usually have to take medication to regulate blood sugar levels and/or inject themselves with insulin. But lowering blood sugar levels is often possible in a natural way as well. We give you 10 tips on how to lower your … 10 Tips to Lower Blood Sugar

Lowering Blood Sugar: Tips 6-10

With elevated blood sugar levels, you can do something to lower blood sugar levels without medication. From exercise to the right diet to exotic remedies such as aloe vera or pink catharanthe – the following tips will help you. Tip 6: Get regular exercise When you exercise, your muscles work harder and use more energy … Lowering Blood Sugar: Tips 6-10

Blood Glucose Value after Eating More Important Than Fasting Value

“Why is blood glucose still predominantly measured in the morning on an empty stomach?” So asked Prof. Jaakko Tuomilehto from Finland at a major diabetes congress in Dresden. He presented a study showing that it is precisely the blood glucose values after eating that are important. They not only provide information about whether a diabetic … Blood Glucose Value after Eating More Important Than Fasting Value

Heart Check: Medical Examinations

Your doctor can determine whether you have coronary heart disease using a number of simple examination methods. For example, initial information is provided by taking your pulse and blood pressure, listening with a stethoscope, and a detailed description of your symptoms. However, in order to be able to assess the condition of your heart and … Heart Check: Medical Examinations

Heart Check: When to See a Doctor?

A healthy lifestyle can significantly reduce the risk of heart attack. Above all, a balanced diet with plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables, sufficient exercise in the fresh air and as little stress as possible are important. Vessel killer No. 1 here is smoking! Self-test: How healthy is my heart? To get an initial indication … Heart Check: When to See a Doctor?

Canadian Occupational Herb: Uses & Treatment for Health

Canadian professional herb (Conyza canadensis ) belongs to the family Asteraceae (formerly Compositae). The composite herb is also popularly known as droughtwort, witchweed, witches’ broom, cat’s tail, wild hemp, old man’s weed, revocation and pungent herb. The English names Butterweed, Horseweed and Canadian Fleabane are also common in Germany. Occurrence and cultivation of the Canadian … Canadian Occupational Herb: Uses & Treatment for Health