Coprostasis: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Coprostasis is the accumulation or buildup of stool in the large intestine. It is therefore alternatively called fecal impaction or fecal impaction. The English terms are coprostasis and fecal impaction, respectively. What is coprostasis? Coprostasis is not a disease in the strict sense. Rather, as a symptom, it represents a serious disorder of final digestion … Coprostasis: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Jirásek-Zuelzer-Wilson Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Jirásek-Zuelzer-Wilson syndrome, also called Zuelzer-Wilson syndrome, is an aganglionosis of the intestine. Patients suffer from defecation problems and bloating as infants. What is Jirásek-Zuelzer-Wilson syndrome? Jirásek-Zuelzer-Wilson syndrome was named after physicians Wolf William Zuelzer, James Leroy Wilson, and Arnold Jirásek. They first described the congenital and rare form of aganglionosis. Aganglionosis is the congenital absence … Jirásek-Zuelzer-Wilson Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment