Pedunculi Cerebri: Structure, Function & Diseases

Located in the midbrain, the pedunculi cerebri are composed of the cerebral peduncles (crura cerebri) and the midbrain cap (tegmentum mesencephali). Lesions in these areas can be associated with a variety of conditions, depending on which structures are affected. For example, Parkinson’s disease results from atrophy of the substantia nigra in the tegmentum and typically … Pedunculi Cerebri: Structure, Function & Diseases

Thalamus: Structure, Function & Diseases

The thalamus is a part of the diencephalon. It is composed of different nucleus areas. What is the thalamus The dorsal thalamus represents a component of the diencephalon. Other subregions include the hypothalamus including the pituitary gland, the subthalamus, and the epithalamus including the pineal gland. The thalamus exists once in each brain hemisphere. It … Thalamus: Structure, Function & Diseases


Synonyms in a broader sense migraine attack, seizure-like headache, hemicrania, hemicrania, unilateral headache, migraine attack, unilateral headache Definition Migraine is usually a pulsating headache that occurs in attacks and has a hemiplegic character. The pain usually begins on one side of the forehead, temple and eye. In almost all cases the headache attack is preceded … Migraine

Risk factors | Migraine

Risk factors As a risk factor, which are considered to favour the development of migraine: Symptoms Typical symptoms of migraine are: Hemiplegic headache Abdominal pain and nausea (80%) Vomiting (40%) Frequent start in the morning Duration several hours to days Pain character pulsating knocking Increase in complaints under stress Aura before the onset of migraine … Risk factors | Migraine

Brain abscess

Definition A brain abscess is an encapsulated inflammation in the brain. The capsule consists of newly formed tissue (granulation tissue), which is naturally formed during the defence against pathogens and the healing process. In the capsule, the existing cells are destroyed and pus is formed. Due to the inflammatory process, fluid is stored in the … Brain abscess