Indian Psyllium

Products Indian psyllium seeds and Indian psyllium husks are available in pharmacies and drugstores as open goods. There are also corresponding finished medicines on the market, such as Agiolax mite, Laxiplant, and Metamucil. These are usually powders or granules. See also under psyllium. Stem plant The parent plant is from the plantain family (Plantaginaceae). The … Indian Psyllium


Products Laxatives are available in numerous dosage forms. These include, for example, tablets, drops, suppositories, powders, granules, solutions, syrups and enemas. Structure and properties Laxatives do not have a uniform chemical structure. However, groups can be identified (see below). Effects Laxatives have laxative properties. They stimulate bowel emptying by different mechanisms depending on the active … Laxative

Slimming Products

Effects Antiadiposita differ in their effects. They inhibit appetite or increase satiety, reduce the absorption of food components in the intestine or promote their utilization, increase energy metabolism and degrading metabolic processes. The ideal slimming agent would enable rapid, high and stable weight loss and at the same time be very well tolerated and applicable … Slimming Products

Lipid-Lowering Agents

Products Lipid-lowering agents are mainly sold as tablets and capsules as monopreparations and combination preparations. Some other dosage forms exist, such as granules and injectables. Statins have established themselves as the most important group at present. Structure and properties The chemical structure of lipid-lowering agents is inconsistent. However, within the class, groups with comparable structures … Lipid-Lowering Agents


Background The “gluten” protein is a protein mixture found in many grains such as wheat, rye, barley, and spelt. Its high content of the amino acids glutamine and proline makes gluten resistant to breakdown by digestive enzymes in the intestines, which contributes to the inflammatory response. Gluten has elastic properties and is therefore an important … Celiac

Irritable Bowel Syndrome Causes and Treatment

Symptoms Irritable bowel syndrome is a functional bowel disorder that manifests itself in the following persistent or recurrent symptoms: Lower abdominal pain or cramping Diarrhea and/or constipation Flatulence Change in bowel habits, impaired defecation. Incontinence, urge to defecate, feeling of incomplete emptying. The symptoms improve with defecation. Some patients suffer mainly from diarrhea, others from … Irritable Bowel Syndrome Causes and Treatment

Dietary Fiber

Products Dietary fibers are commercially available in the form of powders and granules, among others, as medicinal products and dietary supplements. In pharmacies and drugstores, they are also available as open goods. In foods, dietary fibers are found in cereals, vegetables, fruits and nuts, among others. Structure and properties Dietary fibers are usually derived from … Dietary Fiber

Flax Health Benefits

Products Flaxseed and flax oil are available in pharmacies and drugstores, among other places. They are also included in medicinal products. Stem plant Linaceae, seed flax, flax. Medicinal drug Linseed (Lini semen), the dried, ripe seeds of L. Linseed oil and linseed meal are also prepared from the seeds as a medicinal raw material. Ingredients … Flax Health Benefits


Products Psyllium seeds are available as a medicinal raw material and as a drug (e.g., mucilar) in pharmacies and drugstores. Indian psyllium (Indian psyllium husk, see there) is also used. Stem plants Psyllium belongs to the plantain family (Plantaginaceae). The parent plants are and . Medicinal drug The mature, whole and dried seeds (Psyllii semen) … Psyllium