Pflegestärkungsgesetz 3: What’s inside!

What does the Pflegestärkungsgesetz 3 (Care Strengthening Act 3) contain? The Nursing Care Strengthening Act 3 (Pflegestärkungsgesetz III) introduced a wide range of new regulations and measures designed to further improve the care of people in need of nursing care. Strengthening local authorities One focus of the Nursing Care Strengthening Act 3 concerns the municipalities: … Pflegestärkungsgesetz 3: What’s inside!

Knee Pain inside and Outside

Sometimes knee pain occurs only on the inside or outside of the knee, and pain may also be limited to the front or back. If the pain occurs in only one area of the knee – inside, outside, front or back – this may be the first clue to the underlying cause. You can read … Knee Pain inside and Outside

Swollen nose

Definition In the case of a swollen nose, the location of the swelling must be distinguished. So only the outer part of the nose can be swollen. However, the inside of the nose can also swell. In most cases, the mucous membranes of the nose are thickened. Due to a swelling of the nose, the … Swollen nose