Mole or skin cancer

What is often called a “mole” or “birthmark” in colloquial language is called “pigment nevus” in technical language. Sometimes one also finds the terms “melanocyte nevus” or melanocytic nevus. These are benign skin growths that have dark pigmentation due to their melanocyte content (skin pigment cells) and appear light to dark brown. More precisely, what … Mole or skin cancer

Therapy | Mole or skin cancer

Therapy Malignant melanomas are surgically removed. No biopsy (tissue removal) of the primary tumor is performed in order to prevent degenerated cells from spreading into the blood or lymphatic system. It is important that the malignant tissue is removed over a large area. This involves removing the tissue under the tumor up to the muscle … Therapy | Mole or skin cancer

Prophylaxis | Mole or skin cancer

Prophylaxis People with very light skin and many “liver spots” should take special care to protect their skin from damaging influences. But in general: do not stay in the sun for too long and without protection! Accordingly, very light skin types should use sun protection products with a high sun protection factor and freshen up … Prophylaxis | Mole or skin cancer