Paruresis: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

People suffering from paruresis find it difficult and sometimes impossible to urinate in public restrooms. Nearly 3 percent of all men are affected, but they rarely consult a professional because of the taboo nature of the problem. This is unfortunate in that there are effective methods to combat paruresis. What is paruresis? Paruresis is a … Paruresis: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Paruresis as a Taboo Subject

The word “paruresis” refers to a difficult psychological problem that hardly anyone dares to talk about. Paruresis is the inability to urinate in public toilets in the possible presence of other people. In English, the term Shy Bladder Syndrome has become established for this. Estimates put the number of paruresis sufferers in Germany at 1 … Paruresis as a Taboo Subject

Paruresis: Self-Help for Those Affected

Paruresis cannot be treated with medication. But it can be positively changed through behavioral therapy. Before starting therapy, however, physical causes, such as prostate enlargement, prostate cancer or urethral stricture must be ruled out by a specialist. The paruresis therapy has the following structure: Before the therapy a very detailed diagnostics is made, so that … Paruresis: Self-Help for Those Affected