
Products Legally, a distinction can be made between legal intoxicants (e.g., alcohol, nicotine) and prohibited substances (e.g., many hallucinogens, some amphetamines, opioids). Some substances, such as the opioids or the benzodiazepines, are used as drugs and are legally available with a doctor’s prescription. However, their use as intoxicants is not intended and is therefore referred … Intoxicant


Products Rolicyclidine is one of the banned narcotics in many countries and is therefore not commercially available. Structure and properties Rolicyclidine (C16H23N, Mr = 229.4 g/mol) is a derivative of phencyclidine (PCP). Instead of a piperidine ring, it contains a pyrrolidine ring. Effects Rolicyclidine has hallucinogenic and depressant properties. Abuse Rolicyclidine can be abused as … Rolicyclidine