Duration | Burning in the leg

Duration The duration of the discomfort from burning in the leg varies greatly depending on the cause of the symptom. Especially nerve conduction disorders are rather protracted diseases. For example, a herniated disc requires extensive physiotherapy and back training, and if necessary (if the disc constricts the spinal cord too much and causes too many … Duration | Burning in the leg

Burning in the leg

Definition – What is meant by burning in the leg? A burning sensation in the leg is often equated with a burning pain. Depending on the cause, this can be located more on the foot and lower leg or in the area of the thigh up to the buttocks. It is not uncommon for burning … Burning in the leg

Varicose veins | Burning in the leg

Varicose veins Varicose veins are superficial leg veins whose vascular walls have been weakened due to excessive strain. In the legs, the blood must be returned to the heart through the veins against gravity. To do this, the veins have small valves that ensure that the blood transported upwards does not follow gravity and flow … Varicose veins | Burning in the leg

These are the symptoms of an inflammation of the nerves

Introduction An inflammation of the nerves – in medical circles one speaks of neuritis – can manifest itself in many ways. Minor sensations of discomfort can occur, but also complete loss of function is possible in cases of severe inflammatory processes. Therefore, neuritis is not always easy to diagnose. The inflammation of the nerves is … These are the symptoms of an inflammation of the nerves

Symptoms on the cervical spine | These are the symptoms of an inflammation of the nerves

Symptoms on the cervical spine The cause of complaints in the cervical spine can be radiculitis. This is an inflammation of the nerve root. These are located directly at the spinal column. A radiculitis, also called radiculopathy, causes radicular pain. This means that the symptoms and pain run along the nerve(s) that originate at the … Symptoms on the cervical spine | These are the symptoms of an inflammation of the nerves

Symptoms on the back | These are the symptoms of an inflammation of the nerves

Symptoms on the back The complaints are often located in the lower back. They can also radiate into the legs. Usually one side is affected more than the other. This leads to sensations of discomfort and increased sensitivity to pressure. A feeling of muscle weakness and paralysis can also occur. It is also typical that … Symptoms on the back | These are the symptoms of an inflammation of the nerves

Integration: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

Integration is a substep of perceptual processing and gives people a meaningful picture of their environment. Sensory integration involves different sensory systems and different sensory qualities. In integration disorders, integration is impaired because of a lack of neuronal linkage. What is integration? Integration is a substep of perceptual processing and gives humans a meaningful picture … Integration: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases