Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection: Treatment, Effects & Risks

Intracytoplasmic sperm injection, ICSI, is a proven method of reproductive medicine that has helped many childless couples achieve a desired child. ICSI is now the most commonly used method in artificial insemination. What is intracytoplasmic sperm injection? In the ICSI method, a single sperm is actively fused with an egg under microscopic control. Quite different … Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection: Treatment, Effects & Risks


Behind the complicated appearing term “cryptorchidism” hides a positional anomaly of the testis, thus a wrong positioning of the testis in the body. Originally the “Kryptorchismus” describes a not discoverable testis. This is usually the case when the testis has not descended completely into the scrotum during embryonic development and has remained in the abdominal … Cryptorchidism

Cause | Cryptorchidism

Cause For a malfunction of the testis – or cryptorchidism – a maldevelopment in embryonic maturation is responsible. During the 28th to 32nd week of pregnancy, the testis on both sides usually begins its descent from the abdominal cavity into the scrotum. The abdominal cavity represents its original site of attachment. During fetal and embryonic … Cause | Cryptorchidism

Diagnosis | Cryptorchidism

Diagnosis A diagnosis of cryptorchidism can be made very easily by palpation. Since the child is not yet able to give information about his or her symptoms, the doctor is also dependent on the observations of the parents. Thus in the discussion likewise reference points for a possible Kryptorchismus can be found. Apart from that, … Diagnosis | Cryptorchidism

Olfactory Receptor: Structure, Function & Diseases

Humans have approximately 350 different olfactory receptors, each of which has a specific odor molecule docked to its cilia, triggering activation of the cell. Via the collected messages of the olfactory receptors, the brain creates the conscious olfactory impression. The olfactory receptors, numbering several million, are located mainly in the olfactory mucosa, a small area … Olfactory Receptor: Structure, Function & Diseases


Synonyms Lat. = Testis (Pl. Testes) Definition The paired testicles (Testis) belong together with the epididymis, the spermatic duct and the male sex glands (vesicle gland and prostate) to the internal male sex organs. They serve the production of sperm cells (sperm) and are located below the male member. Each testicle is “suspended” from the … Testicles

Causes of tickling testicles | Testicles

Causes of tickling testicles Sensory disturbances such as tingling are generally very unspecific. It is therefore difficult to determine the cause of these sensations without further symptoms. Possible causes can be pathological processes in the testicles, such as circulatory disorders, inflammation or tumors. Frequently, however, sensations such as tingling indicate nerve irritation. This can either … Causes of tickling testicles | Testicles