Sphenoid sinusitis

Definition Since the sphenoid sinuses (Sinus sphenoidales) are two interconnected, air-filled cavities in the sphenoid bone of the skull and lined with nasal mucosa, they belong, like the frontal and maxillary sinuses and the ethmoid cells, to the so-called paranasal sinuses. Like all paranasal sinuses, they serve to reduce the weight of the skull bone … Sphenoid sinusitis

Symptoms | Sphenoid sinusitis

Symptoms The diagnosis of sphenoid sinusitis or sinusitis is usually already obvious when the person affected reports the characteristic complaints/symptoms (headache, sniffles, olfactory/taste disorders, stuffy, runny nose). In order to further confirm the diagnosis, an endoscopic examination can be performed by a physician, in which an endoscope inserted through the nostrils or the mouth visually … Symptoms | Sphenoid sinusitis