Watery Eyes (Epiphora): Surgical Therapy

Note: Irrigation of the nasolacrimal duct may be sufficient for acquired nasolacrimal duct obstruction!

1st order

  • Dilation (stretching) – in the case of lacrimal punctal or canaliculus stenosis.
  • Dacryocystorhinostomy (synonym: Toti surgery): surgical creation of a connection between the lacrimal sac and the nasal cavity to restore the flow of tears from the lacrimal sac into the nose when the nasolacrimal duct is nonfunctional
    • Advantage: surgery can be performed externally or endoscopically
    • Indications: for narrowed or occluded lacrimal ducts (lacrimal duct stenosis).
    • Ultima Ratio therapy (last diagnostic option to still make progress in the treatment of the disease).
    • Toti surgery has a success rate between 90% to 95%.
  • Lacrimoplasty: is used to expand the superficially located lacrimal puncta.
    • Indications: Narrowing of the openings of the lacrimal duct tubules.