Caraway seeds

Carum carvi Chümi, Feldkümmel,Karbei, KümmichThe caraway grows as a herbaceous plant with hollow stems divided by knots. Fiddly leaves with linear pointed leaflets are typical for caraway. The flowers are double umbels, the single flowers are small and white, rarely reddish.

When ripe, the fruits disintegrate into two subfruits of curved or sickle-shaped appearance. When rubbed between the fingers, the typical smell of caraway familiar from the kitchen is produced. Flowering time: May to June.

Occurrence: Wild caraway very often grows along the roadsides of Europe and Asia, but is also cultivated in crops. The ripe fruits and the oil of caraway prepared from them are used in the production of medicines.

  • Essential oil with the main components carvone and limonene
  • Tanning agents
  • Flavonoids
  • Resin

Caraway is one of the best medicinal plants.

Besides its medicinal properties, caraway is also valued as a spice in the kitchen or used for alcoholic drinks (caraway brandy).

  • Flatulence
  • Cramps in the gastrointestinal tract
  • Liver and gall bladder complaints
  • Breastfeeding

One crushes a teaspoon of Kümmelfrüchte in a mortar and pours over with 1⁄4 l boiling water, five minutes pull leave. One drinks this tea with meals.

One can also chew 2 knife points or take 10 drops of essential caraway oil from the pharmacy with some sugar. With normal dosage, no side effects are to be expected when taking preparations with caraway seeds.