Pain in the left abdomen

Pain lower abdomen left, abdominal pain left


There can be a variety of possible causes for the development of pain in the left abdomen. As a result, the treating physician needs a particularly detailed description of the pain on the left side of the abdomen during the diagnosis. In this context, the exact localization with possible radiating areas as well as the quality (dull, stabbing, burning) and intensity of the pain play a decisive role.

The pain can also be felt more as a burning sensation. Possible causes can range from an unhealthy diet, which impairs the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, to uncomplicated food intolerances. In many cases, the pain on the left side of the abdomen has completely harmless causes.

However, since important anatomical structures, such as the rectum, are also located on the left side of the abdomen, particularly severe and/or persistent pain should be promptly referred to a specialist. In addition, a distinction should be made as to whether the pain is isolated in the left side of the abdomen or whether other parts of the abdominal cavity are affected. Pain in the left abdomen can radiate into the right abdomen as well as into the upper abdomen, depending on the underlying cause.

In addition, pain may radiate into the back and/or chest area. It should also be observed whether the pain on the left side of the abdomen is accompanied by other symptoms, such as fever, nausea, vomiting or pain when urinating. The sex of the patient concerned must also be taken into account when looking for the cause. While diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are among the most common causes of pain on the left side of the abdomen in men, gynecological problems may also be present in women. In most cases, a detailed description of the symptoms perceived by the affected patient can provide a decisive indication of the causative disease.