Stullenführer: Healthy Eating At School and Office

At lunchtime, it makes its grand entrance: the sandwich! Almost every second working person (45 percent) reaches for bread, rolls or sandwiches during the lunch break. That confirms a survey of the DAK. In addition, classic sandwiches such as cheese or sausage sandwiches also play an important role in the breakfast boxes of many schoolchildren. But not all sandwiches are the same – the DAK guide shows why.

From the simple slice to the luxury sandwich

A plain slice can easily be transformed into a “Brotzeit de luxe” with little effort and a little imagination.

First stage – the bread
The basis of every sandwich and an important source of carbohydrates. Slice for slice, it provides fiber and minerals. How healthy the type of bread is depends on its whole grain content. DAK nutritionist Hanna-Kathrin Kraaibeek: “When shopping, ask whether the whole grain is included. This is where the most valuable ingredients are stored. The more whole grains, the healthier.” Even the grains on bread have it in them: sesame seeds, for example, contain a lot of calcium. Sunflower and pumpkin seeds provide unsaturated fatty acids, which have a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system.

Clever bread topping
If you want to satisfy your hunger in a healthy way, you should make a clever sandwich topping. A balanced composition promotes concentration, fitness and good mood. The DAK nutritionist does not accept a lack of time: “Just 30 minutes is enough – for example, to prepare a homemade sandwich spread. That’s also enough time to eat and recharge your batteries.”

Whether nut cream cheese or paprika cream: healthy ingredients make every bread more snappy – from rye crispbread to pretzels. Fresh herbs such as lemon balm or sprouts add the finishing touch of flavor and provide vitamins.

Cheese sandwich with a new base
Fans of the classic cheese sandwich can experiment with new variations more often. Instead of butter, low-fat spreads bring completely new taste experiences: For example, how about spreading sweet mustard, tomato paste or mango chutney under your favorite cheese? Or maybe like this: fig and grape in one hand, cheese sandwich in the other – the perfect trio is ready!

Look closely at the sausage sandwich
When it comes to sausage, it’s important to know what’s under the skin. Not every type of sausage is healthy. Leaner varieties such as poultry sausage, salmon ham or corned beef are better for blood fat levels than meat or liver sausage. If you’re tired of sausage, you can try fish for a change. The fatty acids from tuna or salmon are an important component of the nerve cell membranes in the brain: This helps gourmets keep a clear head even in the afternoon.

Cool folding sandwiches for the break
Admittedly: It’s not easy to convince schoolchildren of the benefits of a wholesome snack. What counts with little gourmets, on the other hand, are bright colors, finger food and lots of variety. If, for example, the cream cheese has a face made of chives, that convinces the little eaters more than mom’s reminder not to forget the school lunch.

Ideal snack for the break

Ideally, the snack for the break consists of a whole grain bread, thinly spread with butter or cream cheese and topped with cheese, lean ham or low-fat sausage. From time to time, a vegetarian spread creates variety here, too. Yogurt, quark or milk drinks provide calcium and are a good source of the minerals magnesium, zinc and iodine. Packaged in a colorful lunch box, even the coolest steppke thinks Klappstullen are great!