Allergy: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

One speaks of an allergy when the immune system of the body reacts extraordinarily strongly to certain substances and environmental effects. This is also referred to as an overreaction. Typical allergies are hay fever, house dust allergy and sun allergy. The signs of most allergies are usually clearly visible. Thus, rhinitis, watery eyes, swelling, itching and shortness of breath are not uncommon and should be examined by a doctor.

What are allergies?

We speak of an allergy when the body’s immune system reacts extraordinarily strongly to certain substances and environmental agents. An allergy is basically nothing more than the result of an overzealous immune system. As a rule, the immune system serves to ward off pathogens and pests in order to protect the body. In some people, however, even harmless invaders, such as components of food or pollen, are classified as harmful, so that the body reacts allergically to the foreign substances in question. However, an allergy can not only exist against pollen or certain foods, also house dust, components of cosmetics, animal hair or other things with which one comes into contact in everyday life can lead to a hypersensitivity reaction. Since there are many triggers for an allergy, both children and older people can be affected.


Why some people develop an allergy is not yet fully understood, because there are very many causes that can trigger allergic reactions. Basically, the immune system considers a foreign body that is actually harmless to be harmful and fights it off, so that the body reacts with skin irritation, watery eyes and similar symptoms. The reasons for hypersensitivity in some people are varied. For example, it may be that the tendency to allergy is inherited through genes. Those who have several allergy sufferers in their family are also likely to react more sensitively to certain substances themselves. The fact that allergies occur much more frequently in industrialized countries than in other countries also suggests that the body needs a certain amount of dirt and germs to build up its defenses. Those who attach too much importance to hygiene and keep their homes rather sterile are then seldom armed against the pollutants from the environment, which, however, cannot be avoided. For this reason, small children or babies should also not be cleaned too sterile. However, they should also not come into contact with dirt and vermin. The healthy middle ground is still the most natural to prevent a later allergy.

Symptoms, complaints and signs

Allergy can be accompanied by visible as well as hidden symptoms and signs. The most common and well-known signs are reddened and very itchy skin areas, which may also be swollen. These often occur in direct contact allergies and occur exactly where the allergen comes into contact with the body. If the itching becomes too intense, many affected persons scratch themselves until open skin areas and sores develop. Also typical symptoms of allergies are irritated and swollen mucous membranes, for example in the area of the eyes, mouth and throat. Allergies, however, can also manifest themselves through severe shortness of breath, preferably when the allergenic substance has been inhaled or consumed. Symptoms such as dizziness, palpitations and a rapidly rising blood pressure can also indicate an allergy and the onset of anaphylactic shock. Especially in connection with food allergies and food intolerances, the gastrointestinal tract may also be affected by the symptoms triggered by the allergy. Digestive problems of greater or lesser severity may occur, ranging from nausea and vomiting to mild or even very severe diarrhea. Circulatory problems are usually the result. In a milder course of the allergic reaction, the reactions of the digestive system may also occur with a delay of up to 24 hours.


The current pollen calendar. Click to enlarge. Download here to print. The course of an allergy depends primarily on which allergens are hypersensitive to. Often the eyes are affected, which react with redness and itching. Also conjunctivitis and a strong tear production are not uncommon with an allergy.In addition, swelling of the conjunctiva and eyelids often occur. However, allergic reactions can also affect the bronchial tubes. Unlike reactions of the eyes, these effects can also cause permanent damage and are therefore classified as more dangerous. In case of hypersensitivity, the bronchial tubes constrict, while at the same time too much bronchial secretion is produced, so that inflammation occurs. As a result, the bronchial mucosa can be damaged. Allergy can also lead to breathing problems if the nose is affected. The nasal mucous membranes swell, while at the same time too much Secret is produced. The result of an allergy is severe itching, increased sneezing and, in the worst case, inflammation in the sinuses.


Allergy leads to a characteristic symptomatology, which leads to corresponding complications. First of all, sensitization can occur against almost any substance, so that it is almost impossible not to be allergic to something. Accordingly, this can lead to severe limitations of the quality of life in case of frequent contact with the allergen. In some cases, an allergen can cause Quincke’s edema. In this case, swelling occurs mainly in the deeper layers of the skin, which is more serious. The swelling of the genitals, hands, feet and face is the most serious. In the face, this can lead to severe swelling in the respiratory tract, resulting in severe shortness of breath and the imminent fear of suffocation. In addition, this leads to constriction of the esophagus, so that swallowing difficulties can be added. In the worst cases, an allergic reaction leads to anaphylactic shock. In this case, the blood pressure of the affected person drops sharply and important organs are no longer supplied with sufficient blood, whereupon they can die and lose their function. This condition is life-threatening and should be monitored in an emergency. Furthermore, so-called cross-reactions can occur, in which substances that look molecularly similar to the allergen can also trigger an allergic reaction and cause the same complications as the original allergen.

When should you see a doctor?

Allergies have mild and severe courses, but regardless of the severity of the initial symptoms, a doctor’s diagnosis is important. Noticeable swelling and redness, wheals on the skin, watery eyes, and shortness of breath in severe allergic reactions are typical of an allergy and should be investigated. In some allergies, the cause is obvious to the affected person because the suspected allergic reaction always occurs in the same situation – for example, when eating nuts or other foods. In this case, the patient should express the suspicion of what the allergy is to during the first visit to the doctor. However, a visit to the doctor also makes sense if allergic symptoms occur without a clearly identifiable cause, because then it could be pollen or other environmental factors in the air we breathe. Allergy sufferers with a known diagnosis should pay attention to the severity of their symptoms. If they become more severe, and if this is not a one-off exception, sufferers should make another appointment with their doctor. Allergies can worsen – in this case, the patient should know what to do in case of a severe allergic reaction. A repeat doctor’s appointment is also important if allergy sufferers experience a reaction against a substance that has not previously caused problems. New allergies can also occur and should be detected in time.

Treatment and therapy

A real cure for all allergies is not yet possible. In many cases, however, it is sufficient if the affected person avoids the respective allergens so that he also does not react to them. However, if this is not possible, further measures must be taken, depending on the severity of the allergy. For example, there are medications that can alleviate the symptoms. But also aids, such as special filters or bedding suitable for allergy sufferers, can be useful. In some cases, sensitization with the allergy-triggering substances can also lead to the symptoms becoming significantly weaker.

Outlook and prognosis

Allergy can significantly limit the patient’s life and daily routine. Patients suffer from severe shortness of breath and usually also from rhinitis. Furthermore, there are often watery eyes and itching that can occur all over the body.In some cases, diarrhea or vomiting may occur. Furthermore, an increased heartbeat can also occur. The severity of the symptoms varies from person to person, so that, as a rule, no general course of the disease can be predicted in the case of an allergy. However, the patient’s quality of life is significantly reduced by the allergy. Special complications or even life-threatening conditions usually only occur if the affected person is exposed to the allergy triggers over a longer period of time. This can also limit the patient’s life expectancy. The symptoms can be alleviated by medication. Likewise, the patient must avoid the allergens to prevent the symptoms from occurring in the first place.

Follow-up care

It is not possible to predict in general whether aftercare options will be available to the person affected by an allergy. As a rule, these possibilities depend very much on the exact manifestation and type of allergy, so that no general prediction can be made here. As a rule, however, the possibilities are limited. In the case of an allergy, those affected should first and foremost avoid the triggering substance in order to alleviate the symptoms. Likewise, strenuous activities that strain and overtax the body should be avoided. In some cases, the allergy can also be treated with the help of medication, so care should be taken to take this medication regularly. Possible interactions should also be discussed with a doctor. In most cases, the patient’s life expectancy is not negatively affected by an allergy. However, in the event of a shock or severe attack, the patient may need to go directly to the hospital or call an emergency physician. It may be necessary for those affected to change their habits or diet in order to avoid the substances that trigger the allergy. This is the only way to avoid further complications.

What you can do yourself

Pollen typically flies during a certain time of the year. However, the exact time of pollen flight depends not only on the type of plant, but also on the weather. Therefore, up-to-date information is provided by the pollen prognosis on the radio or television. Anyone suffering from hay fever should spend little time outdoors during the critical phase. In addition, it makes sense to avoid activities in the fresh air that are physically strenuous. A food allergy makes it necessary to read the ingredient list of packaged foods thoroughly. In Germany, selected allergens must be read on the list of ingredients even if they might only be present in traces in the product. This includes peanuts in food products, for example. In other countries, allergy sufferers must find out whether appropriate labeling is also provided there. Self-help groups for allergy sufferers are often aimed at people who have to accept severe restrictions in their lives or who suffer greatly from their allergies for other reasons. Those affected exchange experiences in such a group and experience understanding and support from other members. Allergy sufferers should not deliberately expose themselves to the substance to which they are allergic. There may be a risk of allergic shock or other severe reaction. Instead, when considering possible treatment, allergy sufferers should always follow the advice of an experienced physician and should not attempt to do so on their own.