Arthroscopy of the shoulder


glenohumeral arthroscopy, shoulder endoscopy, shoulder joint endoscopy, ASK shoulder. Arthroscopy of the shoulder has now been a success story for more than 10 years. With the help of this minimally invasive procedure, it is possible to look inside the joint and also carry out minor repairs.

The joint is mirrored using a special camera. This procedure has replaced the classic surgery for most shoulder operations and is much less stressful for the patient. This modern technique can help them effectively and safely and the recovery time from this procedure is much shorter.

Fields of application

Among the larger joints, the shoulder joint is the most flexible joint in the body. It is a ball-and-socket joint whose stability is provided by the surrounding muscles such as the rotator cuff, tendons and ligaments. Since it is one of the joints that is exposed to daily stress and movement, many different diseases can occur, which can be diagnosed by means of arthroscopy and any that may occur can be treated directly:

It is an acute functional disorder of the rotator cuff, a group of specific muscles that surround and secure the shoulder joint. The syndrome is caused by a narrowing of the sliding bearing between the head of the humerus and the acromion. The tendons of the rotator cuff, which are responsible for lifting the arm, run in this sliding space.

Due to a bottleneck, this movement eventually causes severe pain. Last but not least, irritation of the bursa can occur. The pain is evident during movements above the head and often at night when lying on the shoulder.

By means of arthroscopy, both the diagnosis can be made and the syndrome can be treated by performing an arthroscopic relief of the constriction. – Calcified shoulder (tendinosis calcarea): This disease is caused by calcified deposits in the tendons of the rotator cuff. These calcium crystals are caused by age-related wear and finally hinder the frictionless sliding of the tendons in their tendon compartments.

These calcium foci can be removed arthroscopically with a shaver and rinsed out. If the tendons are already damaged, additional relief can be performed. – Wear of the rotator cuff:The wear of the rotator cuff due to age or excessive strain can lead to tears and defects in the tendons of the muscles involved.

As a result, the shoulder joint, which would otherwise be secured, becomes more unstable and functional failures are the result. The diagnosis can be made by means of arthroscopy and acute treatment can also be initiated, which in most cases results in the patient being quickly free of symptoms. – Subluxation of the shoulder joint:In case of a subluxation of the shoulder joint (not complete dislocation), there is still contact between the head of the humerus and the socket.

As a result, the shoulder always returns to its correct position but can easily jump out of the socket at any time. In the long run, this instability leads to stretching of the joint capsule and lesions on the lip of the socket. The diagnosis is confirmed by an arthroscopy, during which the existing capsule-labrum lesion can be closed and the capsule can be gathered at the same time.