Bloating in Pregnancy: Relief for the Discomfort

A frequent duo: flatulence & pregnancy

Flatulence is not uncommon during pregnancy: the hormone progesterone causes the smooth muscles to relax, including the muscle layer of the intestinal wall. This makes the bowel sluggish and works more slowly. Although a pregnant woman’s body has more time to absorb nutrients from the food, more air can accumulate in the intestine during the digestive process. This excessive accumulation of gas in the digestive tract is also known as meteorism or bloating.

Being pregnant often goes hand in hand with a change in diet: many women then pay particular attention to what they eat and eat more healthy wholemeal products, fruit and vegetables. This change in diet can lead to digestive problems, as the intestines only gradually become accustomed to the healthy lifestyle. This is why bloating often occurs at the beginning of pregnancy.

Pregnancy can also cause discomfort in the digestive tract in another way, especially in the last trimester: the growing uterus and the ever-increasing size of the baby put pressure on the stomach and intestines, disrupting digestion and promoting bloating.

Pregnancy: How to avoid a bloated belly!

Pregnant or not – bloating can often be avoided with the following tips:

  • Eat regular meals
  • Eat slowly, chew well
  • Drink enough
  • plenty of exercise
  • avoid stress

Which home remedies help with flatulence?

Existing flatulence can often be alleviated with home remedies:

  • Herbal teas made from fennel, aniseed or peppermint
  • Warm bath or hot water bottle
  • Abdominal massage (clockwise)
  • Rest and relaxation

These home remedies apply to flatulence in general, even outside of pregnancy.

Home remedies have their limits. If the symptoms persist over a longer period of time, do not improve or even get worse, you should always consult a doctor.

Flatulence: Suitable and unsuitable foods

Certain foods promote gas formation, while others have a calming effect on the intestines. Sometimes even a small change in diet can help against flatulence.

What promotes flatulence?

Avoid flatulent foods such as cabbage, pulses, onions or unripe fruit. Nuts, raisins, very fresh bread, yeast, whole grains and some types of cheese also easily lead to a bloated stomach. Pregnant women who are prone to bloating should also avoid carbonated drinks. Coffee, ice-cold drinks, chocolate, sweeteners and fatty foods also promote bloating.

What relieves flatulence?

Pregnancy and flatulence: When to see a doctor?

If preventative measures, home remedies and avoiding bloating foods do not alleviate the bloating, you should see a doctor. This is especially true if there are other symptoms such as fever, cramps, nausea, diarrhea or vomiting.

Medication for flatulence

Pregnancy and breastfeeding often place limits on drug treatment. As a general rule, pregnant women should only take medication after consulting their doctor.

Flatulence is harmless and rarely needs to be relieved with medication. Digestive, antispasmodic or defoaming agents (simeticone, dimeticone) can help. The latter dissolve the gas bubbles in the intestine and thus relieve flatulence. Pregnancy and the development of the child are not endangered by the defoamers – the active ingredients are considered safe during pregnancy.

Flatulence – the air must come out!