Bone Pain: Causes and Treatment

Bone pain (ICD-10-GM M89.9-: Bone disease, unspecified) can have many different causes. Most commonly, they occur in the setting of injuries such as fractures, but they can also be caused by tumors or leukemias. According to the localization, generalized bone pain can be distinguished from localized bone pain. The differential diagnosis to joint pain can be difficult. Frequently, bone pain is due to an abnormal strain or tension of the muscles involved.

Caution. Bone pain should be distinguished from joint, muscle, nerve, and vascular pain.

Bone pain can be a symptom of many diseases (see “Differential diagnoses”).

Course and prognosis: Bone pain restricts the affected person in his ability to move and thus his everyday activities. In case of severe and/or recurrent bone pain, a physician should be consulted. Therapy as well as prognosis depend on the underlying disease.