Calculating Fertile Days

How to calculate ovulation?

A woman’s fertile days depend on her menstrual cycle, or more precisely, on the time of ovulation. But when does ovulation occur after the period? This varies greatly from woman to woman. This is because the length of the cycle varies: Some women have a cycle of 28 days, others only get to 22, while still others have a significantly longer menstrual cycle of 30 or more days.

Fertile Days Calculator

Fertile days calculators can therefore only provide rough indications. They are not suitable for contraception. However, the calculated answers to the question “When is my ovulation?” can be useful for increasing the chances of pregnancy through planned sex.

The calculators calculate ovulation based on the individual cycle length and the first day of the last menstruation. Many calculators are available for free on the Internet.

Calendar method

To do this, you need to record the days of your menstruation for one year. Since the cycle is subject to fluctuations, the days of the shortest and the days of the longest cycle are used to calculate the fertile days in the cycle. Subtract 18 days from the shortest cycle and eleven days from the longest cycle. This gives average values for fertile days.

An example: the shortest cycle comprises 22 days and the longest 28 days. This results in the following calculation:



When are the fertile days?

The fertile days are around the day of ovulation. According to experts, they are three to five days before and 24 hours after ovulation. Fertilization is possible during this time.

Can you get pregnant outside of the fertile days? The answer to this question is: No!

The time frame of the fertile phase is determined on the one hand by the female cycle and on the other hand by the survival time of the sperm in the woman’s body and the egg.

The menstrual cycle begins with the first day of menstrual bleeding and ends with the last day before the onset of the next bleeding. In the period up to about 14 days (depending on the length of the cycle) after the first day of the period, an egg matures in a follicle (egg sac) in one of the two ovaries. Once the egg has matured, ovulation occurs.

And when exactly do you ovulate? In theory, it is assumed that ovulation occurs 14 days after the onset of menstruation. In reality, however, this often looks different – depending on the length of the cycle, the time of ovulation also varies. The answer to the question “When do you ovulate?” therefore varies greatly from individual to individual.

Survival time of the sperm – and the egg cell

What are the symptoms of the fertile days?

More precisely than with the ovulation calculator or the calendar method, the fertile days can be determined by symptoms that typically occur during this phase: The most reliable signs of fertile days include altered cervical mucus, increased basal body temperature, elevated levels of luteinizing hormone (LH), and a soft, open cervix.

Altered cervical mucus

However, during a woman’s fertile days, cervical mucus changes visibly: it becomes thinner, clear, and draws threads (similar to egg whites) when rubbed between the fingers.

Increased basal body temperature

Increased LH level

About 24 hours before ovulation, the level of luteinizing hormone (LH) increases. The increased hormone level can be detected with a urine test from the pharmacy.

Altered cervix

Other possible signs

In addition to these reliable physical signs, there are other symptoms that are often mentioned, but their connection with ovulation has not been proven. These include, for example:

  • Mid-cycle pain: some women feel a pulling or cramping pain in the abdomen around mid-cycle. This could be caused by the rupture of the follicle during ovulation.
  • Increased facial blood flow: According to one study, women had a redder complexion during their fertile days. However, this change could not be seen with the naked eye, only measured.
  • increased libido: Some women have more desire for sex during their fertile days.

A bloated belly after the fertile days is also interpreted by some women as an indication of the past fertility window.


There are now also many digital aids to help: Some women use apps or special software programs to calculate their fertile days – or use a handbag-sized fertility computer for this purpose.