Calendula: Dosage

From the flowers of marigold infusions, tinctures, gels, powders, baths and ointments are prepared for external and, more rarely, internal use. Furthermore, there is a standard approval, which is used by various manufacturers for the preparation of marigold tea. In tea blends, marigold flowers are often included as an ornamental drug.

Calendula: what dose?

The average daily dose varies depending on which dosage form is referred to. In the case of the simple drug, the daily dose is about 1-2 g of calendula flowers to 150 ml of water.

If one uses the tincture, 2-4 ml of the tincture can be mixed with 250-500 ml of water, and for the ointment, 2-5 g of the drug is added to 100 g of ointment.

Calendula – preparation as a tea

To prepare tea, 1-3 g of the drug (1 teaspoon equals about 0.8 g) is poured over boiling water, allowed to steep for 5-10 minutes and finally passed through a tea strainer.

Marigold flowers should be kept dry and protected from light.


Preparations from marigold flowers should not be used by allergy sufferers.