Nitric Oxide


Nitric oxide is commercially available as a gas for medical use (inhalation gas). It has been approved since 1999.

Structure and properties

Nitric oxide (NO, Mr = 30.0 g/mol) exists as a colorless gas that turns brown in air. It is a free radical. Nitrogen dioxide forms rapidly in air. Structure: -N=O


Nitric oxide (ATC R07AX01) has vasodilatory properties. The effects are due to binding and activation of guanylate cyclase, which increases intracellular levels of cGMP (cyclic guanosine monophosphate). When inhaled, it acts primarily on pulmonary vessels.


  • For the treatment of neonates delivered at ≥34 weeks’ gestation with severe hypoxic respiratory failure associated with signs of pulmonary hypertension.
  • In patients of all ages for the treatment of pulmonary hypertension associated with cardiac surgery.


According to the professional information. The gas is administered by inhalation.


For complete precautions, see the drug label.

Adverse effects

The most common possible adverse effects include low blood pressure, thrombocytopenia, atelectasis, and methemoglobinemia.