Causes of a salivary stone


The salivary stone is a small, solid stone that can be found in all salivary glands in the area of the head and neck. It is formed from components of saliva and can lead to various symptoms (e.g. pain or inflammation of the salivary glands). The causes for its development are manifold. Often, too little drinking is the main reason for the formation of a salivary stone.

Overview of the most likely causes

There are various causes for the development of a salivary stone.

  • Too little drinking is usually the main cause. The reduced fluid intake makes the saliva thicker and more viscous, which promotes the formation of a salivary stone.
  • Various diseases can also lead to a change in the composition of saliva.

    The most important of these are cystic fibrosis, Sjögren’s syndrome and mumps, which is a common disease in children.

  • Insufficient oral hygiene can also be a cause.

Too little fluid intake due to too little drinking can promote the formation of salivary stones, as this changes the composition of the saliva. This becomes more viscous and is therefore difficult to discharge into the mouth via the salivary gland duct. As a result, the mucous membranes dry out and the mouth becomes dry.

This can lead to various secondary diseases, since saliva assumes an important and central protective and cleansing function in the entire oral area. Cystic fibrosis is also known as cystic fibrosis. This is a hereditary metabolic disease in which the mucus-producing glands of the body do not function properly.

In contrast to the healthy, these glands form a very tough mucus, which negatively influences the function of various organs. The composition and consistency of saliva can also be altered by cystic fibrosis, which increases the risk of the formation of a salivary stone. Mumps is an infectious disease caused by viruses.

It occurs mainly in children between the ages of four and fifteen. Adults can also be affected. The disease manifests itself by a severe, bilateral swelling of the parotid gland.

At the same time, it leads to a thickening of the saliva, which causes deposits to form in the excretory duct of the parotid gland. This results in a disturbed salivary flow and the formation of a salivary stone is promoted. This can then lead to severe inflammation of the affected salivary gland.

This topic may also be of interest to you: Inflammation of the salivary glandsAdministering medication that reduces the flow of saliva can be a cause of salivary calculus. Dehydrating drugs are particularly important, as they reduce the water content of the saliva and thus its ability to flow. Diuretics are particularly worthy of mention.

Other drugs for allergies or depressions can also have a negative effect on the composition of saliva. Antidepressants are drugs used to treat depression. Dry mouth is often observed when taking them.

This leads to the mucous membranes not being sufficiently moistened with saliva. This can lead to damage to the teeth and the formation of salivary stones. Sjögren’s syndrome is a disease in which the body’s own immune system attacks and damages its own cells and tissues.

The main symptoms are dry eyes, a dry mouth and arthritis. At the same time, an inflammation of the salivary glands and the glands in the head and neck area often occurs. This can be triggered by a salivary stone due to reduced salivary production. Sjögren’s syndrome is treated symptomatically, often using saliva substitutes and measures to promote salivary flow (e.g. sugar-free sweets).