Troponin: Test, Normal Values, Elevation

What is troponin? Troponin is an important muscle protein: skeletal and heart muscles are made up of muscle fibers (myocytes, muscle fiber cells), albeit in different ways. Each muscle fiber consists of up to hundreds of muscle fibrils (myofibrils), which contain thread-like strands (myofilaments). These strands contain various proteins that help the muscles to contract … Troponin: Test, Normal Values, Elevation

Yoga for beginners

Yoga is originally a philosophy of life rather than a sport, but in the western world Yoga is often understood as a specific form of training program consisting of gentle exercises involving breathing. For beginners, yoga is a small challenge of strength, stability and balance in the beginning. There are, however, exercises (asanas) that are … Yoga for beginners

Heat Therapy as Physiotherapy

Heat therapy is a generic term for various applications in physiotherapy and physical therapy as well as balneotherapy. In general, heat therapy comprises all therapy methods in which heat is applied to the skin in various forms for mostly 20-40 minutes in order to achieve a blood circulation-promoting, metabolism-stimulating and muscle-relaxing effect. Fields of application … Heat Therapy as Physiotherapy

Fangocur | Heat Therapy as Physiotherapy

Fangocur Fangocur is a company based in Gossendorf, Styria, Austria, which manufactures and sells various medical products made from the volcanic Gossendorf healing clay. These include mineral creams and masks, fango packs for home use and healing clay for oral administration. Fangocur Bentomed is dissolved as a powder in water and is said to have … Fangocur | Heat Therapy as Physiotherapy