Contraindications | Mydocalm®


As there is no experience of its effects during pregnancy and lactation, Mydocalm® should not be taken by expectant or nursing mothers. If, for whatever reason, Mydocalm® is taken during pregnancy, this is not a reason to terminate the pregnancy or to endanger the child by taking complicated measures. A harmful effect on the child is not known, but cannot be excluded.

Myasthenia Gravis patients must not take Mydocalm®! Myasthenia Gravis is a very rare neurological disease that is accompanied by muscle weakness. As with any medication, intolerances can occur. If you experience an allergic reaction or severe side effects, you should stop taking Mydocalm® and consult a doctor if necessary. Mydocalm® is not approved for children under 15 years of age.

Side effects

Although Mydocalm® has relatively few side effects, several undesirable effects can occur. The following is a list of those that occur in at least 0.1% of patients, a complete list can be found in the package insert.

Application in pregnancy and lactation

As mentioned above, there is no proven experience that Mydocalm® can be used safely during pregnancy and lactation, but there are no reports that Mydocalm® is harmful to the child. Therefore, Mydocalm® should not be used during pregnancy and lactation if possible. In individual cases, however, the doctor may consider it appropriate.

If possible, however, other means should be used. For example, if back pain persists, physiotherapy can be postponed. Furthermore, classic painkillers can be used.

Here, however, attention must also be paid to the approval in pregnancy. In order to relieve tension for a short time, diazepam can also be taken as an exception. Unlike Mydocalm®, diazepam makes you sleepy.

However, there is more experience of taking diazepam during pregnancy. Caution is advised as Diazepam can be addictive.If Mydocalm® has been taken by a nursing mother, it is possible that the baby will become drowsy. This is possible because the infant ingests Mydocalm® through breast milk and the bloodbrain barrier in infants is not yet fully developed. This means that medications that do not reach the brain in adults are effective in children.