The following symptoms and complaints may occur along with Eye or eyelid irritation:
Leading symptoms
- Eye irritation or.itching of the eyes.
- Eyelid irritation or itching of the eyelids.
Associated symptoms
- Pain
- Tear flow
- Eye redness
- Visual disturbances
- Entropion (inward inversion of the lid margin associated with eyelash dragging on the eye) can be better detected if the patient squeezes the eyes tightly and then opens them quickly.
- Dry eye may be accompanied by stringy tearing.
Warnings (red flags)
- Newborn + agglutinated eyes → think of: Chlamydial or gonococcal infection (the incidence (frequency of new cases) of gonoblennorrhea (purulent conjunctivitis in newborns) has been greatly reduced by the commonly used Credé’s eye prophylaxis).