Female reproductive organs: structure and function

What are the female sexual organs?

Female reproductive organs are organs of reproduction. They are divided into external and internal sex organs.

External female sexual organs

The external female sex organs are collectively called the vulva. They include:

  • the mons pubis or mons veneris (mons pubis)
  • the labia majora and labia minora (labia majora and labia minora)
  • the clitoris (clitoris)
  • the vaginal vestibule with the vestibular glands (Bartholinian glands)
  • the vaginal entrance (Introitus vaginae)

The entire region of the external female reproductive organs is called the regio perinealis and is contrasted with the pelvic organs.

Internal female sex organs

The internal female sex organs are the ovaries (ovary) and the fallopian tubes (uterine tube), the uterus (womb) and the vagina (vagina).

What is the function of the female reproductive organs?

Internal and external female reproductive organs play important roles in reproduction, pleasure, and hormone regulation:

Oogenesis, the formation of female gametes (eggs), takes place in the ovaries. This is also where the female sex hormones are formed: estrogen and progesterone.

Whether fertilized or not – the egg nests in the uterine mucosa, which has built up under the influence of hormones. If fertilization has not taken place, the thickened mucous membrane is expelled together with the egg after a few days during menstruation.

However, if a fertilized egg has taken root, the uterus serves as an incubation chamber for the growing baby and provides for the child. During childbirth, the uterus is the expulsive organ, conveying the baby out through the birth canal (cervix, vagina) via muscle contractions.

The vagina is a highly stretchable tube of muscle and connective tissue. It accommodates the penis during sexual intercourse and acts as a birth canal during delivery.

The labia majora and minora cover the vaginal entrance and urethral outlet. They protect against invading foreign bodies and germs.

A secretion is secreted from glands on the inside of the labia minora and around the urethra, as well as in the vaginal opening, when sexually stimulated. It serves to moisten the vagina and contains glucose, which the sperm need as an energy source on their way to the egg.

The clitoris (clit) is formed by the labia minora. With its numerous nerve endings, it is a woman’s sexual arousal center. Its stimulation triggers an orgasm.

The internal female reproductive organs ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus and vagina are located in the lesser pelvis above the diaphragma urogenitale (the anterior part of the pelvic floor) between the urinary bladder and the rectum.

The vagina forms a posterior, lateral, and anterior vaginal vault that borders the urinary bladder and urethra in front. At the back above, the peritoneum and at the back below, the rectum are the boundaries.

The pubis or vulva is the visible, external area of the female sexual organs. The mons veneris or pubis lies in front of and above the symphysis (pubic symphysis). The labia majora lie as plump folds of skin between the thighs, enclosing the pubic cleft and extending to the perineum.

The clitoris is located between at the front end of the labia minora. Folds of skin extend from the back and bottom of the clitoris to the labia minora, which lie within the labia majora and surround the vaginal vestibule.

What problems can the female reproductive organs cause?

Internal female reproductive organs can be affected by various infections. Examples include vaginal fungus (Candida), HPV infection, bacterial vaginosis, chlamydial infection, and other STDs.

Cancers of the internal female reproductive organs include ovarian cancer, fallopian tube cancer, uterine cancer, cervical cancer, and vaginal cancer. Common health problems also include inflammation of the fallopian tubes, ovarian cysts, fibroids of the uterus, and endometriosis.

Symptoms that can be caused by any disease affecting the female reproductive organs include increased discharge, burning and itching in the vaginal area. Painful, prolonged or absent menstrual bleeding, intermittent bleeding, pain during intercourse, and/or abdominal pain may also indicate a female reproductive organ disease.

Female reproductive organs may also have malformations, for example, the vagina may be absent.