Foot Deformities: Diagnostic Tests

Optional medical device diagnostics – depending on the results of the history, physical examination, laboratory diagnostics, and obligatory medical device diagnostics – for differential diagnostic clarification.

  • Radiographic examinations, i.e., dorsoplantar and lateral radiographs of the foot, as well as the “long axial hindfoot view” radiograph for assessment of the hindfoot axis (esp. for follow-up)
  • Pedobarography (synonym: dynamic foot pressure measurement, i.e. static and dynamic measurement of the pressure distribution pattern of the sole of the foot; patient walks several times over a pressure measurement plate embedded in the floor.
  • Magnetic resonance imaging (MTR) – for imaging degenerative changes of the tibialis posterior tendon or the ligamentum calcaneonaviculare plantare (spring ligament) in the presence of a pes planovalgus (flat foot).