Foreign Body Aspiration: Causes

Pathogenesis (development of disease)

Foreign body aspiration primarily affects young children. They put objects in their mouths out of curiosity or accidentally during play, startle, gag, or take a deep breath, thereby aspirating (inhaling) the foreign body.

Aspiration of a foreign body can lead to airway obstruction. This can be partial (partial) or complete. In more than half of cases, the object is located in the main and intermediate bronchi, and more often on the right (about 80% of cases) than on the left. The obstruction (narrowing) may cause valve stenosis with distal hyperinflation. Complete airway obstruction results in atelectasis (lack of ventilation of lung segments).

Etiology (causes)

Disease-related causes

  • In recurrent aspirations:
    • Dysphagia (dysphagia), neurologic.
    • Laryngeal clefts (laryngeal clefts).
    • Esophagotracheal fistulas – fistula (unnatural connection) between the esophagus (food pipe) and trachea (windpipe).