Foreign Body in the Eye: This Helps!

A speck of dust can quickly get into the eye, which is usually flushed out again by itself. More dangerous is when a tennis ball hits the eye or a sawdust gets into the eye during gardening. Minor, superficial eye injuries and irritations are relatively common and can often be treated by the patient. However, when in doubt and for all more serious eye injuries, the eye doctor is essential.

What exposures can damage the eye?

  • Mechanical effects (foreign bodies, impacts).
    Of all eye accidents, nearly 90% are caused by mechanical impacts. Solid objects of various sizes can strike and penetrate the eye. Dust causes irritation and/or inflammation. Sports accidents, such as a squash ball hitting the eye with full force, are among the eye injuries on the rise. The consequences of blunt force impact on the eye are internal injuries e.g. damage to the interior of the eye or to the bones of the eye socket. Therefore, always consult the ophthalmologist in case of such accidents. Also during DIY work, house or garden work gets through chopping or sawing quickly times something in the eye.
  • Radiation (UV or laser radiation).
    Laser beams can destroy tissue. Particularly at risk is the retina of the eye. This process is not very painful, so you do not notice the damage immediately. Welding or metal work can also cause serious eye injuries if the unprotected eye looks into the welding flame.
  • Chemicals and hazardous substances such as acids, alkalis or solvents.
    Did you know that a splash of a corrosive product can cause loss of eyesight? Corrosive substances (acids, alkalis, irritant solvents) are commonly used in industry. These substances have a pronounced eye-damaging effect. There are also dangers in the household: Drain cleaners usually contain strong alkalis and should be handled according to the instructions for use. Danger to the eyes also threatens from spray bottles and spray cans, as one is quickly mistaken once in which direction they spray.
  • Thermal exposure (heat, cold, IR radiation).
    Heat can affect the eye by touch, via gases or by thermal radiation. As a result, drying and irritation of the eye may occur. Cold, e.g. in cold stores or at extreme temperatures outdoors, can lead to frostbite.

First aid measures

Small foreign bodies get quickly times in the eye and cause pain and visual disturbances, which usually pass quickly. The reason: the tear fluid flushes out the foreign bodies by itself. To remove small objects, pull the eyelid down and wipe out with the hand or a soft cloth towards the inner corner of the eye. This can be followed by rinsing with water. For burns, rinse with clear water for at least 15 minutes, spreading the eyelids wide. In accidents involving acids, alkalis and solvents, even a few splashes or drops can cause severe, permanent damage. Corneal burns begin immediately after contact. That is why the first few seconds are crucial. Call the emergency physician while the eyes are still being rinsed! In case of severe injuries, apply a sterile compress and go to the doctor immediately.

In case of doubt better to the doctor

The eye is not an organ to treat yourself on it. Therefore, if additional symptoms occur after a supposedly harmless injury or complaints do not subside, the ophthalmologist should always be consulted. Examples are:

  • Redness, tearing, photophobia.
  • Foreign body sensation that persists after half a day
  • Visual complaints that persist for more than an hour
  • Pain that becomes increasingly severe

Basically, you have to go to the doctor for all burns, if a foreign body is in the eye, for burns with acids, alkalis or chemicals, or if there is a dull force on the eye, for example, by a snowball. In addition, in burns with food such as lemon juice, if symptoms persist after thorough rinsing.

Prevention – protect the eyes

For dangerous work in the home or garden, protective eyewear provides protection against splashes, wood chips or sharp objects.Sunglasses with suitable lenses help against intense sunlight; wearers of glasses who engage in sports should opt for the use of sports glasses. In industry, there is a rule for the selection of suitable eye and face protection, “Use of eye and face protection” (DGUV Rule 112-192). Otherwise, it is important to follow the instructions for use of solvents, cleaners, etc. Do not forget: People often touch their faces and eyes with dirty hands quite unknowingly. Toxic or sharp substances should therefore always be washed off your hands quickly. It is best to wear gloves. They protect the skin and prevent careless smudging of the eyes with the hands.