Dyslexia: Definition, Therapy, Symptoms

Brief overview Treatment: Targeted remediation, school relief (grade pressure), and comprehension. Symptoms: Among others, twisting, mixing up or omitting letters, slow reading, difficulties with upper and lower case letters. Possibly also psychological problems as a result of the dyslexia. Causes and risk factors: Probably genetic. Diagnosis: At the (pediatric) doctor via specific questions, hearing/vision and … Dyslexia: Definition, Therapy, Symptoms

Dyslexia: Definition, diagnosis, symptoms

Brief overview Diagnosis: Previous medical history, physical examinations such as vision and hearing tests, electroencephalography (EEG), intelligence test, specific dyslexia text. Symptoms: slow, halting reading, slipping on the line, transposing letters, among others. Causes and risk factors: Probably genetic changes in congenital dyslexia, damage to certain areas of the brain in acquired dyslexia. Course of … Dyslexia: Definition, diagnosis, symptoms