Why should tartar be removed? | Tartar removal

Why should tartar be removed?

Gingivitis and periodontitis, gingivitis and periodontitis are in the majority of cases caused by bacterial plaque. This so-called plaque mineralizes through the saliva in the oral cavity and adheres as tartar to the teeth and under the gums as concrements. Tartar deposits are considered to be a cause of both caries development and the development of inflammatory periodontal diseases.

Tartar is a term used to describe colonized bacterial colonies that contain various saliva components and metabolic products and are thus mineralized, i.e. hardened. They adhere firmly to the tooth surface and can only be cleaned by mechanical means such as a toothbrush or special ultrasonic devices. The mineralized plaque cannot be removed with a water jet alone.

Toxins such as enzymes and antigens emanate from the tartar and act on the gums. The gums react with inflammation, which can recede if the plaque is removed. In this case the inflammation of the gums can heal without permanent consequences.

However, if the tartar is not removed, the inflammation progresses in depth and periodontitis, an inflammation of the entire periodontal apparatus, develops. This is accompanied by the formation of gum pockets and bone loss, which causes teeth to loosen. The tartar deposits can now migrate into the tooth pockets, where they cause the progression of the inflammation and bone resorption.

Even with good dental care, healing of periodontitis cannot be achieved at this stage without targeted periodontal therapy. If the periodontitis is not treated, teeth loosen, bone and tooth loss will occur. In case of increased caries formation, the amount of acid formed by the bacteria and the calcium salts in the saliva determine whether tartar formation or decalcification of the tooth enamel occurs.Under the tartar there can be healthy teeth, which are free of caries, but their gums and periodontal apparatus are strongly affected. For these reasons, existing tartar should be removed regularly to maintain the health of the soft tissues and a healthy oral flora in the long term.