
Effortil® is the trade name of a drug containing the active ingredient Etilefrin. Effortil® can be taken by patients suffering from low blood pressure (arterial hypotension). Mode of action Effortil® belongs to the group of so-called sympathomimetics: these are drugs that have a similar effect to the body’s own hormones adrenaline and norardrenaline and can … Effortil®

Contraindications for the use of Effortil® | Effortil®

Contraindications for the use of Effortil® Patients suffering from the following diseases must not take Effortil®: Hyperthyroidism Pheochromocytoma: here, an uncontrolled release of adrenalin and noradrenalin occurs in the adrenal gland. Glaucoma (increased intraocular pressure) Bladder voiding disorders, including prostate enlargement High blood pressure Cardiac arrhythmia associated with an increased heart rate (e.g. atrial fibrillation) … Contraindications for the use of Effortil® | Effortil®


What is Korodin? Korodin drops are a herbal medicine for use in cardiovascular complaints. Korodin drops are used for circulatory problems and dizziness and are sometimes used as an additive in the therapy of heart failure. Here the effectiveness is controversial. Korodin drops are a well-tolerated product that can be purchased over the counter in … Korodin

Are Korodin drops only available on prescription? | Korodin

Are Korodin drops only available on prescription? Korodin drops are non-prescription but pharmacy-only. This means that they are available without a prescription, but only in pharmacies. Users should consult a doctor or pharmacist before taking them, as they are by no means a harmless drug. Always take Korodin drops only according to the instructions of … Are Korodin drops only available on prescription? | Korodin

Interaction | Korodin

Interaction So far, there is no evidence of interactions when taking Korodin drops with other drugs. Users should inform their doctor about taking Korodin, even if it is a non-prescription drug. Contraindications – When should Korodin drops not be given? Korodin drops should not be taken if there is hypersensitivity to the ingredients of the … Interaction | Korodin

Can I take it during pregnancy and breastfeeding? | Korodin

Can I take it during pregnancy and breastfeeding? So far there is no evidence in animal experiments for a fruit-damaging effect by taking Korodin drops during pregnancy and lactation. However, there are no studies on the use in pregnant women, nor has the transition to breast milk been investigated. Apparently, there is no suspicion of … Can I take it during pregnancy and breastfeeding? | Korodin