Where can one be vaccinated against hepatitis A? | Hepatitis A vaccination

Where can one be vaccinated against hepatitis A? For medical personnel, the company doctor serves as a contact person. The rest of the population is advised and also vaccinated by the family doctor. Can I drink alcohol after a vaccination? In principle, alcohol has no great influence on successful vaccination. Nevertheless, here as almost everywhere … Where can one be vaccinated against hepatitis A? | Hepatitis A vaccination

Wilson’s disease

Synonyms Wilson’s disease, hepatolenticular degenerationWilson’s disease is a genetically determined disease in which there is increased storage of copper in various organs due to a disturbance in copper metabolism (so-called storage disease). This leads to progressive damage to the affected organs, with the liver and brain being particularly affected. Various forms of Wilson’s disease are … Wilson’s disease

Prognosis | Wilson’s disease

Prognosis If left untreated, the disease is often fatal. If the disease is treated in time, conservative measures are usually sufficient and liver transplantation can be avoided. All articles in this series: Wilson’s disease Prognosis


Synonyms Icterus Definition jaundice Jaundice is an unnatural yellowing of the skin or the conjunctiva of the eyes and the mucous membranes, which is caused by an increase in the metabolic product bilirubin. If the level of bilirubin in the body rises above 2 mg/dl, yellowing is triggered. What is an icterus? Icterus is the … Jaundice

Congested liver

Definition In a congested liver, the blood backs up in the liver because it can no longer drain through the liver veins. The cause of a congested liver is a weak right heart (heart failure). The heart can no longer pump blood from the liver to the lungs. The blood backs up into the liver. … Congested liver

Course of disease | Jaundice

Course of disease Icterus is a symptom of an illness or, in the context of newborns, usually a naturally occurring phenomenon. The course of the “jaundice triggering” disease is basically decisive. Depending on the cause and therapeutic measures, the course of the icterus is also determined. Decisive for the existence of jaundice are increased concentrations … Course of disease | Jaundice