Braxton Hicks contractions and descent contractions: the difference

Exercise contractions: When do they start and why do they occur? From around the 20th week of pregnancy, your uterus begins to prepare for the birth process. Around this time, you may notice a previously unknown feeling of tension or pulling in your belly for the first time. The most likely reason for this is … Braxton Hicks contractions and descent contractions: the difference

Employment Ban during Pregnancy

Pregnancy: Maternity Protection Act The Maternity Protection Act (Mutterschutzgesetz, MuSchG) protects pregnant or breastfeeding women and their children from hazards, excessive demands and damage to health in the workplace. It also prevents financial losses or the loss of a job during pregnancy and a certain period after the birth. It applies to all expectant mothers … Employment Ban during Pregnancy

Headaches during Pregnancy: What you can do

Headaches during pregnancy: possible causes In principle, all types of headaches – such as migraines, tension headaches or cluster headaches – can occur in pregnant women. Triggers can be: Hormonal changes stress overexertion Tension in the shoulder and neck area too little exercise too little oxygen poor diet abstaining from caffeine Pregnancy-related illnesses (gestational hypertension, … Headaches during Pregnancy: What you can do